We have sprung from an honored line, a brave, a noble and ancient. New Amsterdam 1660-now When Steven Coerte arrived in the new world, he settled at New Amersfoort which was renamed Flatlands after British occupation. Later they sailed through the Strait of Dover, past Plymouth, where thirty-eight years earlier the Mayflower had tarried a few days before proceeding on its eventful voyage; and then on past Land's End and out upon the broad Atlantic. Jannetje; parents: Albert Stevensen, Jelitje Reyniers. Jun. 1700-1751. . He immigrated; He came over with his father in 1660, settled in Flatlands. Ch. Elias William Van Voorhis, A Genealogy of the Van Voorhees Family in America, or The Descendants of Stephen Coerte Van Voorhees of Holland and . rhees, Jan Stevense Van Voorhees, Aeltje Stevense Van Voorhees, Hendrickje Stephense Van Voorhees Stevenkonin, Kiers, Kierz, Kiersen, Jan Hilletje Reinier Wisselpenning (born Wizzelpenning), Elena (Magdalena) Willemse Van Voorhees (born Van Der Schueren), Sarah Willemse Voorhees (born Cornelisse). Category: Early Dutch immigrants to the United States. He was active in church and civic affairs at Nieuw Amersfoort, represented Amersfoort at the Assembly in Nieuw Amsterdam in April, 1664 and at New Orange in 1674. ], ["New York Genealogical and Biographical Record," Vol. Clues are not wanting to the influences that encouraged this migration. Coert was born in 1537, in Hees, Soest, Utrecht, Netherlands. In 1574, coincident with the rising spirit of nationalism among the Dutch, the family name of thoe Hees began to be changed to van Hees, meaning "of Hees," although it was not until the next generation that the new form gained general use. We encourage you to research and . Amersfoort was a town in Holland whence had emigrated in 1630 one Wolphert Gerritse, who with Andreas Hudde, probably acting as agents of the Dutch West India Company, obtained from Indian chieftains, in 1636, deeds to several thousand acres of land in this section. In this vicinity they laboriously cut out and polished the shell beads called sewan or wampum then used as money throughout the Atlantic seaboard. They were the parents of at least 1 son. 3 of Conveyances, page 13. (born Van Voorhies), Coert Stevense (Cheri) Van Voorhees, Wessel Van Voorhees, Lucase Stenese Van Voorhies, Lucas (Lucas Steven /vanvoorh orhees/ Steven Coert /vanvoorhees/) Van Voorhees, Willempje Roelofse Roelofse (Sebring/seubering/ Suerboring/) Van Voorhees (born Seubering). . At sixty years of age he was the head of a large and interesting family. Secretary, Harry Stephen Vorhis, 50 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N. Y. We now know that they all grew to maturity, as did one other son, Abraham, born after the family had arrived.- These chil- 26 T H E FAMIL Y ARRIVES AT NE W AMERSFOORT 27 dren were introduced to their neighbors as Lucas, who was ten, Jan, Albert, Aeltje, Jannetje, and Hendrickje. In May 1696 a church meeting was held at the home of Elder Albert Stevense in Hackensack. 1888-1977 Frank C. Kabe: August 16, 1891 WFT Est. A suggestion, made to a circle of descendants who reside on Long Island, that it would be appropriate to celebrate in 1935 the 275th anniversary of the coming to these shores of our ancestors, met with quite general approval, and those who accepted the invitation met in Flatlands on Saturday, January 16, 1932, in the parish house of the ancient Reformed Church, which, organized by Dutch settlers in 1654, at once welcomed our ancestors into its membership. She willingly shared the fortunes of her husband in the new world. Wife of Albert Albertse Terhune, Jr Failed to report flower. 4, page 92 (2007). These civil divisions continued for eighteen years. and his Descendants in America Published by the Van Voorhees Association Second and Revised Edition June, 1932 THE VAN VOORHEES ASSOCIATION Organized January 16, 1932 To commemorate in1935 the 275th anniversary of the coming to New Amsterdam in 1660 of Steven Coerte, Van Voorhees, his wife, five sons and three daughters, and their settlement at Flatlands on Long Island. Failed to delete memorial. The organization was completed by the election of officers and an Executive Committee at a second meeting held in the Empire State Building, Manhattan, May 21, of that year. Representatives are now found in neary every state of the Union. Later still some moved to Louisiana, Colorado, and California. He died 1702 in New York. While acknowledging the valued assistance of numerous correspondents, he expressed regret that the neglect of others necessitated many omissions. In English, Virtue my Castle. Both volumes came from the Knickerbocker Press, and were printed for private distribution only. This work has proved of great value to the officers of the Association, and has enabled many applicants for membership to trace their lines of descent back to our common ancestor. He arrived in Nieuw Amst erdam with his family on 15 Apr 1660. The people, however, held to the name Amersfoort for seevral generations, but finally Flatlands came into general use. Half brother of Lucas Stevense van Voorhees; Jan Stevense Van Voorhees; Elder Albert Stevense Van Voorhees; Hendrickje Stephense Terhune (Van Voorhees); Aeltje Stevense van Voorhees and 3 others; Jannetje Stevense van Voorhees; Albert Van Voorhees and Abraham Stevense Vanvoorhees less. It was decided to encourage an inclusive organization by inviting to membership not only all who bear the Voorhees name, however they may spell it, and wherever they may reside, but also all collateral relatives who can trace their lineage back to this common ancestor. Albert Stevense Van Voorhies was born circa 1654 at Drenthe, Holland.1,3 He was the son of Steven Coerte Van Voorhies and Willempie Roeloffse Seuberine. 1650, d. ca. ). This third day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and twenty-three, I, John Stevenson, of Flatlands, in Kings County, on the Island of Nassau, Yeoman, being very well and in good health, and of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto Almighty God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament that is to say Principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a christianlike and decent manner at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of the same in manner following. The affairs of Steven Coerten seem to have prospered. William Cosby, Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of the Provinces of New York and New Jersey, and the Territories thereon depending in America, Vice-Admiral of the same, and Colonel in his Majestie's Army, etc. However, those estates continued in the care of the same family in direct male lines and later in female lines for many decades. Husband of Cornelia Reimers Wizzelpenning and Femmetje Aukes Van Voorhees In Midwout, November 29, 1660, A.D., Appeared before me Adriaen Hegeman, herein Secretaryof Midwcut and Amesvoort in New Netherland, and before the hereafter name 1 witnesses, Corneles Dercsen Plooghlant on the one side and Steven 30 T H E VA N VOORHEES HISTORICAL HANDBOOK Koerten on theother ; the said Cornells Dircksz Hooghlant acknowledging that he has sold and he, Steven Koerten, that he has bought of him, a parcel of maize land situate within Amesfoort, between the bowery of Wolffert Gerritsen Van Couwenhoven and Frans Jensen, Timmerman (carpenter), wide on the west side thirty-six rods, on the east side thirty-two rods, large nine morgens ; further a piece of woodland situate north of the land of Elbert Elbertsz, south of Frans Jansz, wide on the east side thirty-two rods, on the west side twentyfour rods, running from the maize land to the land of Spysser, about west-northwest, large seven morgens ; a piece upon the Flats, lying between the Town and Jan Martensz, wide thirty-eight rods, large ten morgens ; a piece of Meadow situate between Spyser and Jacob V an Couwenhoven, large five morgens : amounting together to thirtyone morgens : together with the house and house-lot lying and being in the Town of Amesfoort, and the hay ricks, with the brew house and allthe brewing implements, kettles, tubs, vats and all that belongs thereunto, with a wagon, plow and iron harrow, with two oxen, together with the grain that is at present sowed upon the said land and four schepels of pease and four schepels of buckwheat. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. 25 VI T H EFAMIL Y ARRIVES A T NE W AMERSFOORT "WHEN Steven Coerten came to New Netherland it was with the purpose to make his home in New Amersfoort on the Island of Nassau where a number of Dutch families hadbeen living for some years. STEVEN COERTEN, LAND OWNER Our common ancestor must have been possessed of substantial means, or at least of excellent credit, for it is of record that, on November 29, 1660, within six months after his arrival, he purchased from Cornelius Diercksen (Hooghlant) for 3400 guilders ($2000) - a very considerable sum of money for those days-several scattered parcels of landaggregating some thirty-one morgens, or sixty-two acres ; also, a house, houselot and brewery. There were also three maidens. 3-Nov-1706, d. after 1765 Willemptie Albertse Van Voorhees b. "The Old Church on the Green" pg. In its preparation the author spent much time and practically all his fortune. Try again later. When conditions proved especially favorable six weeks were sufficient for the voyage. 1702 WFT Est. https://archive.org/details/registerinalphab00berg. 1, page 52 (1996): 1:53. The war with Spain in the Netherlands was waged with varying success, and it required many years to establish the republic on a firm basis. Or if not a lineal descendant you have found your place in the clan By lovingly joining your fortunes with one or another or other Of those who proudly inherit the name, or the blood of Van Voorhees. WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Sadie Estelle Voorhees (Mrs. Edward Dawson) 127 Passaic Ave.. Passaic. 51; H. Stoutenburgh, "Documentary History of Oyster Bay," pg. The church was newly organized and feeble, and as yet without a stated place of worship, but he and his family were ready to join if and thus add to its strength. He married Marretje Gerretse Van Kouwenhoven, daughter of Gerret Wolfersen Van Kouwenhoven and Aeltje Cornelis Cool, b 1664. During the long voyage she had kept her brood in health which was much to her credit. Apr. The first church was erected at Midwout in 1655. However, little information is given concerning those branches of the family that had removed from Long Island to other sections. The will of Jan Kiersens of the town of Flattlands in Kings County on Nassau Island (Long Island) was dated 4 August 1705 and probated 3 September 1705. Crest, A tower d'or. in 1686. This account already exists, but the email address still needs to be confirmed. The sacred command to honor father and mother bids us offer filial reverence and a due meed of praise to those worthy souls through whom, in the mystery of the generations, we have drawn our lives. Here Steven Coerten and his family assembled for official inspection, and a final decision as to the cost of the passage. Steven Coerte, married Agatha Janse. The next year the people of Amersfoort began building a church. Now on the soil ofthe new world at New Amersfoort Steven Coerten and Mother Willempie, with their vigorous brood shod in wooden shoes, and dressed as fashion decreed for the well-to-do of Drente, looked about for a location for a home. Maria Jean Pratt Hopper, The Hopper Family Genealogy, Descendants of Andries Willemszen Hoppe(n) of New Amsterdam 1651-1658, The First Six Generations (Montvale, N.J.: M.J.P. Signed, sealed, published, pronounced, and declared by the said John Stevenson as his last Will and Testament, in the presence of subscribers, William Couwenhoven, Dirck Amerman, Gerrit Foy. It may be that members of the Council, and perhaps also the doughty Director General, Peter Stuyvesant, came down to welcome them. . All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage. He was 60 years old. Try again. Firm set of deep root were the oaks, unheeding the winds that assailed them, While under their wide-spreading branches they offer protection and shelter. On 31 Jul 1681 they sponsor at the same church for the son of Jan Clemente and Maria Bogert. Then came his daughter Hendrickje, and her husband, Jan Kiers, eagerly seeking a place where youthful energy might find suitable opportunity for initiative. Ibid., page 433. Immigrated to New Netherland in November 1660 the "De Bonte Koe" (The Spotted Cow. Long Island generally was quite heavily wooded and much of it stony and difficult to till. He was one of the original patentees of Flatlands. Albert VOORHEES (1691-1784) m. Ariaantje Jan Vandervoort, First Wife of Jan Stevense VAN VOORHEES: Cornelia Reiniers Wizzelpenning (????-1680). Make sure that the file is a photo. Learn about how to make the most of a memorial. of State, Albany, N)Y) Vo. tevensen Van Voorheese, Wessell Van Voorheese, Lucas Stevens Van Voorheese, Jan Stevensen Van Voorheese, Aeltje Stevense Ryder (born Van Helletje Reiniers Van Voorheese (born Wizzelpenning). He never married. n Voorhees, Willemtie Albertse VanVorhees, Margrietje Alberse Margaret Van Voorhees, Jan Van Voorhees, Petrus Albertse Van Voorhees, Rach rhees, Aeltje Stevense Van Voorhees, Jannetje Stevens Jantje Van Voorhees, Hendrickje Stevense Grietja van Voorhees Stevenkonin, Kiers, K Steven Coerte Van Voorhees, Willempie Roelefse Seubering. Coert Stevense Van Voorhees was commissioned Captain of Militia by Lt Gov Jacob Leisler on December 27, 1689, when he was 52 years old. A first edition of this Folder was printed and widely distributed. He must have been born about 1495. This person was created through the import of grant2.ged on 07 February 2011. 1667-1687 WFT Est. 3 Jun 1678, Annetie Coerte Van Voorhees b. 1, page 52 (1996). Sometime later they returned to Holland to attend to their property at Stynwick in Drenthe as per letter from Hilbert Coert to Coert Stevense dated 9 Feb 1687. It therefore becomes necessary to find what may be deemed the correct spelling, and show more consistency than the records exhibited. To day the 10th of Oct. 1679 appeared before us, cap. A point of interest was the Dutch Reformed Church that had been organized at New Amersfoort six years before their coming. Upon the demise of CoertAlbertse in 1676, Jan Coerten, brother of the emigrant, became meyer of Voorhees Manor and remained such until 1700. Seven states are already represented on our membership list. abt 1692 Flatbush, Kings, New York, United States Death? Login to find your connection. This information is part of Stamboom Gritter by Bert Gritter on Genealogy Online. Our inteerst centers in that portion of the island between Jamaica Bay and the East River, for there many immigrants from the Netherlands secured lands and made their homes. This was two years after the latter's son, Steven Coerten, the eldest of seven children, had emigrated to America. Mr. Van Voorhis' interest in the family led to his publication in 1881 of a volume entitled "Notes on the Ancestry of Major William Roe Van Voorhis of Fishkill, N . Invitations to membership have been extended to nearly two thousand descendants of Steven Coerten, and certificates have been issued to more than four hundred applicants, all but twenty-six of whom have been able to trace their family lines completely. THE FLATLAND S REFORME D CHURC H NOTE-The octagonal church illustrated on page 22 served the congregation for eighty-six years. 1653 Hendrickje Stevens Van Voorhees b. ca. The immediate objective of the Association was to arrange to commemorate fittingly in 1935, on or near the site of the original family homestead in Flatlands, the 275th anniversary of the arrival in New Netherland in the early summer of 1660 of Steven Coerten, who came from the Manor of Voorhees, Province of Drente, Netherlands, with wife and seven children, and their settlement a few months later in Flatlands, Long Island. and Flatlands. Soon Schreyers Hoek comes into view with its "Tower of Tears," erected in 1569, where friends and relatives of sailors and passengers were accustomed to gather, and, with much weeping, join in solemn farewells. Much was involved in this decision. T. CONTENTS PAGE I THE FAMILY GENEALOGIST AND HIS WORK 1 II THE FAMILY COAT OF ARMS 7 III ORIGIN OF THE VAN VOORHEES FAMILY 11 IV STEVEN COERTEN'S MIGRATION 16 VSTATE AND CHURCH ON LONG ISLAND 22 VI THE FAMILY ARRIVES AT NEW AMERSFOORT 26 VII LETTERS FROM THE HOME LAND 38 VIII THE VAN VOORHEES FAMILY AT GRAVESEND 42 IX VAN VOORHEES FAMILIES IN NEW JERSEY 47 X THE DUTCH COLLEGE ON THE RARITAN 54 XI THE FIRST CLERGYMAN 58 XII IN THE WAR FOR AMERICAN INDPENDANCE 61 XIII FRIENDS OF WASHINGTON 63 XIV CAPTAIN PETER VOORHEES, HERO AND MARTYR 66 XV THE WILDERNESS TRAIL 69 XVI A TALE FROM THE WAR OF 1812 75 XVII A VOORHEES IN NAVAL ANNALS 79 XVIII THE FAMILY IN LOUISIANA 83 XIX FOUNDERS OF A CENTURY-OLD FIRM 92 XX DANIEL VAN VOORHIS, SILVERSMITH 95 XXI A STORY FROM MEXICO 97 XXII MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY IN POLITICAL LIFE 101 XXIII THE VOORHEES COLONNADE IN DENVER 109 XXIV A UNIQUE EDUCATIONAL PROJECT 112 XXV Two MEMBERS OF SPIRITUAL VISION 116 XXVI Two VOORHEES REUNIONS 119 FOREWORD The plan to form a Van Voorhees Association was approved at a meeting held in the Church House of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatlands, Brooklyn, New York, January 16, 1932. 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Dwarf Fruit Trees Los Angeles, Articles A

albert stevense van voorhees