Benita Alexander has been working as a Macchiarini at NBC News. When a magical romance with a world-renowned surgeon develops into a nightmare, his fianc uncovers a path of destruction that leaves dead patients and shattered families in its wake. And [00:14:24] Bob: It feels natural for Benita to share the family struggle with this world famous surgeon, a man who had spent his career cheating death, or trying anyway. She said that in November 2014, they had planned a trip to California to spend Thanksgiving with her family, "and he had been really stressed in the weeks before, and he had been talking to me for some time about how there were people that were against him, and his 'enemies.'". You'll start receiving the latest news, benefits, events, and programs related to AARP's mission to empower people to choose how they live as they age. Benita Alexander is an award-winning investigative television producer, showrunner, correspondent, director, writer and narrator who has worked on a wide variety of film and TV programs. Anyone that knows anything about private schools in New York knows how hard that is. I loved my life at NBC. How to, what do we do now? He was, he was just there when I needed somebody. Macchiarini told Alexander he was having difficulty finding a Catholic priest who would marry two divorcees, but he told her not to worry, he would talk to his contact in the Vatican. [00:35:01] Matthew Christopher: No, no, just her friends who are so much fun. Benita is the Executive Producer of the documentary film, He Lied About Everything, which premiered in the U.S. in 2018 on Investigation Discovery, and continues to be broadcast around the world. We had, we had a very good relationship still when it came to our daughter and sharing custody and you know, both of us were very focused on our daughter. For more compelling true crime coverage, follow our Crime magazine on Flipboard. [00:36:07] Matthew Christopher: Confident, rico-suave, I am Paolo, ha-ha, and I'm like, okay, you know, I'm like am I nervous? Together, they'd spend long weekends traveling to different countries, like Mexico, Russia and Greece. Her daughter has thus been the only constant in her life. We had been divorced for a couple of years at that point and for three years, and he was diagnosed with glioblastoma which is a very, there's no good kind of cancer, no good kind of brain cancer, but the, you know, the outlook is not good, you know they, they kind of give someone two years at the most. They became friends and over time she felt herself falling for him, despite her journalistic integrity impeding the romance. This was holy cow. [00:40:30] Benita: Paolo lived in Barcelona, and so we had talked about what were we going to do after the wedding. And I literally, I was really like, what? Macchiarini had told Alexander that he was on a work trip in Russia, but when Alexander pulled up near his home, she said he was standing on the steps with his dog. While still trying to care for Cetir, Corbascio said his team found that Macchiarini had exaggerated the effectiveness of his surgeries and falsified data to make the surgeries seem more successful than they were. Are you new to podcasts? She said one question was heavy on her mind: "Why did you do this to me, why would you do that to anybody? Yeah. [00:00:01] Bob: This week on The Perfect Scam. I had tried, at one point I pushed him away, and we didn't see each other for about three months. Uh, I think he actually appreciated being challenged to an extent. Sought after worldwide, people believed Macchiarini would one day revolutionize the field of organ transplantation, journalist Bo Lindquist said. [00:31:07] Bob: But what is a couture wedding gown designer? This very personal film, which Benita narrates herself, documents how her fairytale romance with a world-renowned surgeon turns into a nightmare. Benita Alexander, an award-winning documentary TV producer and Paolo Macchiarini fall in love after meeting in 2013 while she is working on a story about the. Although her family said the injury wasn't serious enough to necessitate a tracheal transplant, she still underwent the procedure and went on to experience tremendous pain. I said, I just, I can't do this. [00:26:36] Benita: Paolo wanted a big, Catholic wedding. In fact, he told me that Paolo would often leave their interview to engage in some frantic texting with someone, probably a lover, probably Benita. The self-proclaimed love con expert is essentially currently utilizing her platform to expose various cases and empower brave women to not be shamed into silence, as per her Instagram. [00:34:42] Matthew Christopher: We were going to meet later, so we just discussed the idea and it started with the wedding gown itself, and then had dinner at her house, and made dinner, and it was fun, and we were discussing things and how all these pieces were going to grow. I really felt that we made a difference, you know, we, our story played a huge role, I think, in paving the way for him to finally bring his son home, and those are the kind of things that really mean a lot, at least to me in journalism. They make it for you in the lab, right. And then John Legend was supposed to be playing piano in the church. Benita Alexander, and swept her off her feet with a marriage proposal and promises of a wedding . And I also had my beard uh, uh, cut there. Benita has spoken about her experience in numerous national and international TV and radio programs. The couple divorced in 2009. Macchiarini took Alexander to several romantic getaways in Europe. Yeah. Alexander said Macchiarini later called her, telling her he was at the Vatican and that he had some big news: Not only did he find someone willing to perform the ceremony but he said it was his own patient, the pope himself. On the back of his motorcycle, he drove her along the Illinois River until they found a place where she could memorialize her ex-husband. In the most recent development, she narrated her story on ABC's The Con, so that more people can be made aware of such practices. Benita Alexander thought she had found her modern day Prince Charming. That's next week on The Perfect Scam. So just under two months before the wedding, and it was just difficult. [00:42:58] Bob: If you have been targeted by a scam or fraud, you are not alone. [00:39:49] Matthew Christopher: Um, so Paolo was going to have a place where he came out, after he did something with the Pope, and he said he's going to give her this ring, and there were going to be fireworks and blah, blah, blah, but he was going to be handed off to her in this dress, right, for a reception, and the dress was going to come out with this tulle overskirt, and it was going to ripped off by Paolo, and it was going to have a dance gown underneath, like Dancing with the Stars. [00:06:37] Bob: Dr. Paolo Macchiarini, he's doing surgeries that most doctors could only dream about. ID gives the viewer the opportunity to experience this along with Benita the highs and the lows and to discover, along with her, howhe lied about everything, says Henry Schleiff, Group President of Investigation Discovery, Destination America and American Heroes Channel in a press release about the documentary. Benita was also the Co-Executive Producer and narrator for the 2016 TLC documentary, "Breaking the Silence," about sexual abuse. She had already spent good money on her wedding preparations. She started her career at a local news station before moving on to work at NBC in New York. The two-part special details how Alexander, an award-winning investigative news producer, met Dr. Paolo Macchiarini while she was producing an NBC News special about the renowned surgeons work in the field of regenerative medicine. I mean my, I mean my jaw was on the floor. View this post on Instagram Journalist Benita Alexander is swept off her feet by a dashing Italian doctor, Paolo Macchiarini, while filming a documentary about his miraculous surgeries. If I had a checklist, he, he was everything I would want in a partner, everything you would want in a man. And he, so his reputation sort of proceeds him, but when he walked in to where we were sitting that day, he, when he walked in, he looked right at me, and our eyes met, and I've never in my life had something like this happen to me before, but I, I felt like a silly, little schoolgirl. And he said, you know, I actually met with Pope Francis. And I went, What? You know and he said, And I, I have great news. Um, Hes, hes going to help us um, were going to have somebody that will marry us, and he offered to do it himself. You know I said, What? You know, and I actually kind of called BS on him because I, I said, Thats absurd. On your mark, get set, go. "I, to this day, have no idea why he lied about our entire relationship.". [00:25:56] Bob: How did he take to being questioned? [00:31:04] Matthew Christopher: I'm a couture wedding gown designer. Hosted by Benita Alexander. What started as dream relationship developed into a nightmare filled with lies and deceit. And so I did, you know, I sat back, and even when I was tempted to ask questions, I didn't. Alexander then married, Edson Jeune, a ballroom dancer. ET. related to AARP volunteering. [00:12:41] Bob: And you went forward with that weekend pushing the feeling aside, right? [00:17:51] Bob: Their relationship blossoms quickly. I think he needs to be behind bars. I'm kind of a control, you know, right, I'm kind of a control freak. It was kind of romance on steroids. "He comes around the corner, he looks right at me and in that second something happened. As these events were unfolding, Maccharini allowed Lindquist to follow him for a documentary film. She graduated magna cum laude from WSU with a degree in journalism in 1987. So I just found him very, I don't want to say intimidating, because intimidating's not the word. But Benita's intuition overtook her and she hired a private investigator to look into the surreal wedding. [00:05:44] Benita: Yeah, I mean the, we wanted to do a story about this field called regenerative medicine which added base core, the most simplistic way to define this is, it's sort of sci-fi, futuristic medicine where the, the goal is to be able to create body parts or organs in the lab, man-made. Then, one morning, she read in The New York Times that Macchiarini's colleagues at the Karolinska Institute had accused him of scientific misconduct and filed a complaint with the university. Oh, and a dance gown too, that was crazy fun. [00:04:39] Benita: I think one of the things that can make you a good journalist if, is if you're able to put yourself in the other person's shoes, and if you're able to sympathize with them and empathize them and really try to understand what it is they're going through. (chuckle). You are leaving and going to the website of our trusted provider. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? The doctors also raised the issue that Macchiarini had reported on a patient in a way that suggested the patient was still alive, even though they had died before the paper was published. She finds that story in South Korea. 'People Magazine Investigates' : Tracking Down the Man Who Allegedly Killed Mom of Two Joy Hibbs in 1991, Arrest Made in Beloved Mother's Cold Case Murder and Prosecutor Credits 'People Magazine Investigates', 'Hiding in Plain Sight': All About Jimmy Savile, Disgraced Royal Confidante Featured in Netflix Doc, 'People Magazine Investigates' : Inside Decades-Old Disappearances of 5 People Along the Snake River. [00:15:28] Bob: As Hannah's story becomes more intense, the news on Benita's ex-husband, John, gets worse. [00:23:10] Bo Lindquist: The first time was in Stockholm at the Karolinska Institute. I, my friends sort of joke now that, you know, I was blushing all the time, and I was just giddy. [00:32:26] Bob: And so she comes in with a small team, right, and you all sit around a table, and what does she say to you? [00:04:33] Bob: But it also sounds like you get pretty, your stories are very emotional, and you get pretty involved in your subjects, right. I'll take care of it." [00:25:49] Bob: But, and this made him a fun interview, he doesn't mind debating his controversial techniques. Nothing anybody could do for her, and then like so many of Dr. Paolo Macchiarini's patients, they did a google search and found this kind of a magician of a surgeon who said I can help your little girl. Therefore, when Benita met the charming Paolo Macchiarini in the spring of 2013, thanks to NBCs A Leap of Faith, and he swept her off her feet, she crossed the professional line to start a romance with him. In June 2013, they flew to Venice for what Alexander called an incredibly romantic weekend.. ABCs The Con is a true-crime documentary series that unveils the curtain on the people behind some of the most atrocious scams in recent times. The scale . Um, you know, they come in and I'd say, "Welcome to your closet." I loved everything about it, and to be sort of plunging into the unknown, even though I felt very secure with Paolo, happily in love. [00:09:18] Benita: Yeah, so we, we started focusing our story around Hannah and her family, and Hannah was actually, she was going to be the youngest person in the world to ever get one of his experimental transplants; the first toddler, and also the first patient to be operated on in the United States. Season 1 (206) 2018 13+ He Lied About Everything is the true tale of the love affair between award-winning investigative producer Benita Alexander, and world-renowned surgeon Paolo Macchiarini. She works in Rockefeller Center and flies all around the world, and on one of these trip, she meets the man of her dreams. Macchiarini did not respond to a request for comment from ABC News. She said she later sent a lengthy text message to him, and received a single-word response: "Wow! In 2013, the successful documentary producer met world-renowned, Dr. Paolo Macchiarini while working on a project for a major network. Maybe help me, help with the invitations 'cause I don't want to deal with that. I'm your host, Bob Sullivan. He's also never spoken publicly about his relationship with Alexander. Her purpose for doing so is simple; to not only move on but also build a safe community for survivors like her a place where theres self-healing through sharing and unconditional support. The Karolinska Institute, which had renewed Macchiarini's contract in November 2015, launched another investigation into Macchiarini and reversed its previous conclusions -- Macchiarini was indeed guilty of scientific misconduct, the Institute determined. And after he left, I said to my parents, that's what I'm going to do when I grow up. But, she said he was in a "foul mood" the entire time they were there as he dealt with the continuing fallout from the allegations. You know, "You've, you've renewed my faith in love.". Meanwhile, the investigation into Macchiarini's professional life was ramping up -- the Karolinska Institute was investigating whether he'd fabricated aspects of his medical research. At the time, Macchiarini was employed by the prestigious Karolinska Institute in Sweden. And so now his son, who I think was about 8 or 9 at the time, was in Brazil with her family, and he was engaged in this very difficult and complicated fight to try and get his son back, and such a loving father. For AARP's The Perfect Scam, I'm Bob Sullivan. The slip from "Prince Charming to pathological liar" took place over just two years, she said. [00:39:38] Matthew Christopher: Yeah, I mean we were going through fittings, we were going through the process of um getting things together. [00:05:31] Bob: Benita worked on several stories about medical miracles, and at the time, there was one kind of medical miracle that just kept coming up. 5 People Vanished Along the Snake River Beginning in 1979: Will Police Finally Catch a Serial Killer? Exploring the troubling tales of people manipulated by claims and promises that proved too good to be true, it reveals how the perpetrator fooled their victims and made them pay the price for their misplaced trust both emotionally and financially. She is also the CEO of Berraca Productions, a company she founded to further her advocacy work empowering women who are the survivors of fraud. There's so much she couldn't do, but she had this sparkling personality. She is an executive producer, narrator, writer and director known for her work in the true crime genre. Macchiarini remains married to Emanuela Pecchia, his wife of nearly 30 years. This is a true you must see it to believe it tale, with so many twists and turns, it will leave viewers stunned, asking only how this could have actually happened, Schleiff says. Not, not that kind of just instant, immediate spark. And when we went to Boston to interview Dr. Macchiarini, when he came in, it was um, I was with a colleague, and he, he came into this bar where we had arranged to have a coffee with him just to say hello the night before the interview, and you know there's, he's a very charming, good-looking man. And this trip had been planned for a very long time. [00:02:31] Benita: Yeah, right! Paolo Macchiarini (born 22 August 1958): 2 is a Swiss-born Italian thoracic surgeon and former regenerative medicine researcher who became known for research fraud and manipulative behavior. [00:36:55] Bob: Benita, the TV producer, is very used to managing all the details of a big event. In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails Capping off a whirlwind romance filled with gondola rides in Venice and quiet dinners in the Greek islands, she was. They got married in October 2012. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. [00:15:45] Benita: There was a particular moment when my ex-husband had gone into a coma, and I was in Illinois, and I was, I was um, very upset about everything and trying to figure out a way, I was talking to Paolo about trying to figure out what to do and how to say goodbye, and uh crying about the fact that I hadn't been able to say goodbye. [00:25:22] Bob: And while Paolo loves to talk about his work, he isn't always charming. However, while filming with Macchiarini, Alexander's ex-husband, the father of her young daughter, had been diagnosed with brain cancer. When she continued to press Macchiarini about the pope, she said he blamed Vatican politics, alleging that the more conservative former Pope Benedict went behind Pope Francis' back to stop him from officiating the wedding. 5. During her investigation into Macchiarini, Alexander hired private investigators in the U.S. and Italy. It was beyond Benita's wildest dreams - Macchiarini reportedly told her he invited Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Elton John, and that the Pope himself would oversee the ceremony. Every time he took me on a trip, he just delighted in these, these big, over the top, elaborate surprises. It does make it difficult sometimes, because you, some stories are so heavy and so difficult, and I would sometimes, it would take me weeks sometimes to sort of shake a story, and people would sit with me, and their stories would sit with me for a long, long time. My friends and my family all adored him. [00:00:34] Welcome back to The Perfect Scam. And spent months, you know, this did not happen overnight. Gerdin also said Macchiarini had failed to obtain ethical permits to perform the transplants, which he said amounted to experimentation on human subjects. [00:34:26] Matthew Christopher: You put your, I am going to make the most gorgeous dress you've ever seen. Kind of like being in a fairy tale, you know. And so it was kind of the perfect case for us to focus our story around. He is Italian. Prior to this, Benita spent 17 years in network television, producing long-form documentaries, breaking news, investigations, specials and hard news features for NBC. Copyright 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. Fans can also watch He Lied About Everything on You know, no, how do we take viewers through a two-hour journey of this little girl coming, you know, halfway across the world to get this radical surgery, and then she doesn't make it? And it was so fun to work with, with all of them, you know, anybody that, and they have private appointments that wanted to come in. It's, it's a very um, it has a lot of stature, that building and a lot of meaning. Instead, he says their underlying health conditions were fatal and may have been a factor in their deaths. En Espanol I didn't know what to think. Most importantly, though, we need to mention that Benita not only attended the former doctor/her former fiancs trial in Sweden, but she also covered it as a correspondent for season 3 of the Dr. They become engaged and plan a lavish dream wedding, to be attended by celebrities and officiated by none other than Pope Francis himself. Her mother was Korean, and her dad, Canadian. Yeah. I was so career-driven, and so career-oriented, but I was madly in love. Please enable Javascript in your browser and try Benita is still wearing the second ring throughout the documentary! Benita Alexander has been married twice. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. He told her opera singer Andrea Bocelli would be singing in the church during their wedding and that John Legend would be playing the piano at their ceremony. Benita and Macchiarini's wild relationship was featured in a special episode of ABC's 20/20 on Friday. And Benita had a veil, and I brought over some dresses, and we were having some champagne, giggling and sketching, and it was so fun. "None of these people were coming," Benita said she tragically discovered. Then, two years later, her father, whod married a neighbor, asked her to pack up her bags and leave for good. NEW YORK Dr Paolo Macchiarini, He Lied About Everything with Benita Alexander Armchair MBA 18K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.5K Share Save 128K views 2 years ago I chat with Benita Alexander. ", "As devastated as I was and as much as I wanted to crawl under the covers and hide and stay there, I knew I couldn't fall apart," she said. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. In fact, we both worked for NBC in New York at the same time, but we didn't know each other then. I'm never viewed like that, but I was definitely like, huh? It defeats the point, Benita recently said. Benita Alexander's documentary chronicles her fairytale romance with a celebrity surgeon that turned into a scam. And it came down to how are we going to accomplish doing all these pieces for this wedding that is going to be so high profile, so exclusive, I mean I've never heard of anything so, it was, I mean in my career I've experienced some great things; this was wow. The procedure uses the framework of a plastic tube lined with the patient's stem cells and is intended to help them replicate into a healthy version of the . He wrote love notes in lipstick on her mirror and left roses on the bed in the shape of hearts. Call the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 877-908-3360. After sweeping Alexander off her feet by taking her to jet-setting and romantic locales all over the world for months, Macchiarini proposed. Bo has begun asking questions about this medical miracle worker, so had some fellow researchers. "I was angry as hell. Eventually, she died. Javascript must be enabled to use this site. How do we, how do we tell this story? Alexander was in head over heels for Macchiarini. I had to understand what happened and why. In the course of that operation, the surgeons had nicked her trachea. Macchiarini had told her that he and his wife were separated, but that the divorce hadn't yet been finalized legally. She is honestly proud of how far she has come (as she should be), and its evident shell never let anything or anyone take this journey/narrative away from her. But then I, and this was October of 2014, and I went and googled, the first thing I did was I went to my desk and googled, literally googled, Does the Pope marry people? And what popped up was an article from a month earlier where the Pope had just married 20 couples in the Vatican. [00:20:06] Benita: We had kind of quietly gotten engaged, but we weren't telling anybody um, because I mean the complicated thing about this is that there's a sort of unwritten rule in journalism that everybody understands, that, you know, there's, there is a line you just don't cross a kind of sacred line where you don't, you can empathize with a story subject, you can sympathize, but you don't become personally involved with a story subject for, for the reason, obviously, that your objectivity could be compromised, right. 00:06:37 ] Bob: and you went forward with that that 's what I 'm going to make most. Popped up was an article from a month earlier where the Pope had just married couples... 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benita alexander documentary