Characters who are unable to see the The temperature in the chamber is far belowpuddings in the darkness suffer a -4 penalty to hit. Paths leading togems, they no longer draw the devil's attention nor and from the entrances of the Delve were carvedgate him back to the Prime Material Plane. Your party of stalwart heroes must venture into a lost dwarven mining complex, fighting terrible monsters, bypassing deadly traps, and exploring chambers heavy with the dust of ages. Destroy Flame Atronachs to complete this endeavor. ##Download file | read online Ancient Kingdoms - Mesopotamia Dungeons & Dragons: A Darkened Wish An all-new adventure of epic scope and flair that combines the elements of storytelling and (Neither of these methods should be The ore car behind which the naga hides isoffered to the players as a solution, of course.) Player's Secrets of Mden - PDF only : 3101 : Blood Enemies: Abominations of Cerilia: 3140 : Blood Spawn: Creatures of Light and Shadow - PDF only: 3147 The sword is +3 to hit and to those races. y,CDMkq After all, that's just one version of the D&Dwarf, but Mike Mearls has a different vision in mind. (This is not a secret door, androck, about 25 feet from the floor. Staging and Bunk Area The skeletons attack until destroyed but do not This 90'-diameter chamber has a domed ceil- leave the room. ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. characters may take them. Characters who fall prone to the floor by sleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; ALin the middle of the corridor save at a +1 bonus. 13-28 (3d6 + 10) normal orcs (AC 7; HD 1; hp 5 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; AL LE) dressed in ring Strewn about the room are six large pallets, mail and carrying a halberd and 1-20 ep each.four huge (ogre-sized) clubs, some cured skins Also here are 2-8 raiding party orcs (AC 6; HD 1;(two are leopard skins worth 80 gp each), animal hp 6 each; #AT 1; D by weapon; AL LE), each wear-bones, broken weapons, and smashed armor. The DM is responsible for roleplaying the sword. ), but was only recently completed and publicly released in August 1999. He is actually a wraith (AC 4; HDstrong in this area that none of the undead crea- 5 + 3; hp 23; #AT 1; D 1-6; SA energy drain (one level); SD silver or magical weapons needed to hit; tures or the devils can enter this room. At ground level, the trails can belace in 1 hourif he or she lives that long. Without it, item each, a magical dagger (maximum bonus ofmany more might die. Thealerted, feel free to organize the creatures into iron golem and the teleporter can be avoided bystrike teams and locate them as you see fit. In the center of the room is well as several articles of rotted clothing. The chamber contains four 20'- This circular chamber is illuminated by a con-diameter stone basins from which an unpleasant tinual light spell. Failing the saving throw three times means the victim suffers 1 point of damage each round there- Any magical weapon striking a black pud- after. This cavernis occupied by four more vats of airweed, identicalto those found in area 21. If he is notsuffer full acid damage at once if they hit the pud- encountered here and hasn't been met else-ding, and no damage is inflicted. The tele- 119. The weapon is LEVEL 3 (AREAS 19-25)unchanged in all other respects (including specialabilities) but gains an additional +1 bonus. Listen to discovery playlists featuring L3 Deep Dwarven Delve Pdf 18 by Andrew Catalano on desktop and mobile. slay my foes! leads downward from this location into the dark-He is asleep only 20% of the time, however, and he ness. The pud- and leaps out to surprise intruders.dings are not hampered by the continual dark-ness. Any living creature that enters the room is limned with faerie fire. The zombies have the same armor andCharacters who do neither save at a -2 penalty. In his right hand he clutches a hammer +3, gnome is 95% likely to recognize the entrance aspulverizer. View Cart (0) Continue Shopping. thick vein of gold. (The scabbard accepts andgood-aligned character who touches the walls, encrusts any gem placed on it if the sword so com-floor, or ceiling with bare skin suffers 1 point of fire mands.) 1-4orc leaders(AC 6; HD 1 + 2; HP: 10 each; #AT 1;There are also 4-80 gp hidden in each trapped D by weapon; AL LE), each dressed in ring mailpallet. Many modules have been written for 1st Edition AD&D after 1989, and the . A magical radiance fills this chamber; the The southern exit from this chamber leads to alight's intensity is about equal to a full moon. Avalon Hill andStrategy & Tactics board games dominated the convention. Dwarves and gnomes receive a +4 bonus to their Each time the brazier flares, a lemure (AC 7; HD saving throw. using the secret door in area 4 to penetrate the second level of the Delve. 2137. Eight mining picks stand against the walls of the niche, among various-sized chunks The western tunnel descends farther into the of rock and small nuggets of gold. Those under his influencehumanoids were driven off just before dawn. Half of the undead dwarves present arespell. angle.Smashed and broken weapons also litter the floor,as do torn armor and battered shields. revealing small, rough-hewn passages to areas 7Each ogre wears a belt pouch containing 10-100 and 8. The Temple of Baalzebulthe glyph. 26. Appelcline explains: The skeleton is not animated,and three straw pallets. If surprise fails, the orcs use the Ancient dwarvish runes are scratched on the hinged lids as cover while they engage in missilewall of the tunnel just beyond the secret door: fire against any visible opponents. Home; Translate. Closer inspectionTools and digging equipment lie heaped upon the reveals that the rock at the back of the niche is afloor, but these are all rotten or rusted. Unwilling to risk further losses or a chance Something must be done! I wrote some short articles for DRAGON Magazine before my regular column, called"Leomund's Tiny Hut," which ran almost monthly for four or five years. Assuming one or more prepared PCs ical itema prisoner or fellow party member. intertwined heads and necks of three brass dragons. Once the PCs have Do your best to have the opposing creatures retrieved the magical long sword Zalco from areafight in an intelligent and aggressive manner. The golemstudy and workroom. Versions after 4.0 will include these materials. If such a sac-rounds following the arrival of anyone from area rifice is given, the devil rips out the victim's heart8.) Upload PDF to create a flipbook like L3 - Deep Dwarven Delve now. There are unprocessed chunks of raw ore here with a 91-00 1 1 0 1 0 4 total value of about 500 gp. If introduced, the plundering the lower Delve should receive hintsmayor is found badly wounded (1 hit point that it would be a better course to wait until theyremaining and unconscious) in area 6. In equipment as those encountered in area 21.any event, Dexterity defensive bonuses or penal- There is a 5% chance that Vezenor is encounteredties modify the saving throw. Ifwho open it, but the mechanism makes absolutely aware of an imminent attack, the orcs hide in theirno noise. Flanking the southeastern exit are two crys- The 120'-diameter, 40'-high room is lit by the fitfultalline niches measuring 8 feet wide, 8 feet deep, glow of a forge in the center of the room. This power of the helm works only for a dwarfcial abilities save for the +3 bonus. The sword has aFrelpic has permission to freely use this gate. A. When the "lid" reaches its vertical posi- sion to mine for gold lasts twelve hours if lefttion, it locks into place at both the pit bottom and uninterrupted, after which time another savingthe tunnel ceiling, effectively blocking the corridor. 11 dwarven zombie fighters C. 7 dwarven zombie clerics HP Additional Spells 17 silence 15' radius 18 spiritual hammer, cure light wounds 15 know alignment, cure light wounds 14 hold person 13 hold person 12 silence 15' radius 10 spiritual hammer D. 7 dwarven zombie cleric/fighters HP Additional Spells 24 hold person, silence 15' radius 22 resist fire, spiritual hammer 20 silence 15' radius, spiritual hammer 19 augury, hold person 19 resist fire, spiritual hammer 17 resist fire, silence 15' radius 14 hold person E. 1 iron golem F. 1 otyughchance for protection from normal missiles and NPCs:50% for clairvoyance. Standing on the north side of thedoor, barring passage, is an iron golem (AC 3; HD Below the statue rests an ominous stone bra-18; hp 80; #AT 1; D 4-40; SA poison gas; SD +3 or zier, easily 15 feet in diameter. If the guards are attacked, This circular chamber is cut smoothly from theone orc always heads toward the gong, sounding rock and has a domed ceiling with an apex of 30it the following round. The 23. A cleric, if suspi-cious, has a 5% chance per level of discovering 39. "hoggle" is spoken (which only Enthar and FrelpicThe glyph detonates when the secret door is know), or if it is forced open by brute physicaltouched by a living creature. Human and demi-human bones The passage slopes westward at a 25-degreeand offal are spread around the chamber. Engraved on the blade indiameter, circular pit masked by an illusion to flowing scrip is "Master of order, I beckon you toappear as nothing more than simple cave floor. The glow hasthe magical intensity of a moonlit night; the lightfills the entire room, This hexagonal chamber was chipped fromthe inside of a monstrously huge quartz crystal.The walls are faceted in great reflecting planes.The 60'-high ceiling is supported by a 10'-diame-ter pillar of transparent crystal. Family. 31. There are four torches bears (AC 4; HD 3 + 1; hp 17; #AT 1; D by weapon;on the tunnel walls, alternating left and right. As a secondary power, the helm grants itsIt is very egotistical and says things like, "I will make wearer a +5 bonus to saving throws vs. rods, staves,you great! In each chestadditional spells, see ROSTER; SD suffer half are 4-24 pp.damage from edged weapons; unaffected bysleep, charm, hold, and cold-based spells; AL NE). Residing here are two ogres this sconce is pulled down, the door opens,(AC 5; HD 4 + 1; hp 27, 25; #AT 1; D 1-10; AL CE). Every aspect of the internet, we believe, ought to be free. Flames burn abovebetter weapon to hit; lightning slows it for 3 rounds; the surface of this brazier, although there are noall other magical attacks inflict no damage; AL N). Since that time, orcs and worse have defiled their sacred halls. chance of success); SD 35% magic resistance; suf- fers half damage from cold or gas attacks; suffersSECOND LEVEL ROSTER no damage from fire attacks, normal or magical; AL LE). AL N). Kestrel 2006 D&D Generic . Most of the caves have 15-foot high ceilings and are made of solid rock. One concealed the breakthrough into Baalzebul'smember of the militia, a ranger, tracked the shrine and began an insidious campaign to takehumanoids back to their lair. Unless the characters have some form of magical At each of the points marked "X" dwells one of protection, such as a resist cold spell or ring ofthree black puddings (AC 6; HD 10; hp 40, 36, 32; warmth, damage commences on the sixth round#AT 1; D 3-24; SA dissolve wood and metal; SD of exposure, the third round for those in metalweapons divide a pudding into two half-sized pud- armor. Any character who suffers 8 orallowed a saving throw vs. petrification. We had prepared the Horticulture Hall the Friday before, settingup the tables and game areasalthough we had no vendors that first year. pyrite"fool'sgold."15. Baalzebul cares little about the gems,stunning effect that lasts for 3-12 segmentsno but if any attempt is made to remove one, eithersaving throw. People also played Diplomacyand a few miniatures games, the Napoleonics games having the largest displays. The skull has been crushed. There is the occasionalcles around their wrists are attached by stout chain broken piece of stonework, but the tunnels andto an iron ring bolted to the wall. mail and carries a shield, hammer, and 3-30 gp. If the horn has been sounded (seeright side of the tunnel. Apply the following penalties: room, characters can hear the distant sound of dripping water (from area 13). Only a dwarf or gnome may open the secretdoor; the door may also be opened using a Spaced around the room are twenty ore-sizedknock spell. Characters canthe north and west walls are each opened by recover 500 gp worth of ore from this chamber.depressing a stone in the nearby wall. The Deep Dwarven Delve can be played as two linked adventures; first as a humanoid stronghold (Level One), and second as a hidden treasure store and place of great evil (Levels Two and Three). 2. The car is large enough tono treasure carried). Here is a suggested PC party composi-hold (Level One), and second as a hidden treas- tion:ure store and place of great evil (Levels Two andThree). There is a 2% chance that ment as the ones encountered in area 21. as Len Lakofka's L3, "Deep Dwarven Delve") are now considered canon by WotC/Hasbro. If the boul- der trap on the northern stairs has been tripped,21. (5d6 points of damage); clericalcure light Only half of the room was actually completed. Upon it sits a dwarven skele- ing and careening down the next flight. Delve, they should take time for rest, healing, andObviously, he was taken by the raiders and is recovery of spells. Frakes, Bill Crego, Jeff Weise, Kirk Fansher, Corey Koebernick, Dave LaForce,Skip Williams, Jean Wells, Lawrence Schick & Joe Oriowski. Each zombie has a pouch ing of value here.containing 4-24 mithril nuggets worth 10 gpapiece. Enthar sends the corpses on spells: enlarge, light, magic missile, protection from good; invisibility, web; fireball and 50% 5A. The figure holds a trident and wears a seven-pointed crown.25. perature another dozen or so degrees within 10 22feet of the bowl itself. The basins are filled with a to dust when touched. unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. The northernmost niche contains a green crys-tal altar dedicated to the dwarven deities. These have beenlevel and cannot be seen from the base of the defaced by the orcs. A knock spell also resets the trap. Before D&D. Lakofka was born January 10, 1944, in Illinois, to Alex Lakofka and Elsie Schumacher..

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