So, what led to the divorce? As Bill Hybels learned, there's far more to romantic love than meets the eye. Bye! . What I count is as follows: She no longer attended church (for at least a year) and she no longer trusted Jesus. Everyone who is still there from the elders to the lowliest either thinks like this or doesnt dare open their mouth. Anyone questioning the purpose of this blog should realize that when churches and relgious leaders put themselves out there accountabilty comes with that publicity. They appointed local leaders in the local churches. Because TWW doesnt have a tick the box to be notified of future comments, and because my comments seem to go live straight away, I have often felt unconfident that the TWW team or people I have replied to in a comments thread at TWW have noticed my comments. When I got up to leave Bill stopped me at the door and hugged/held me tightly for about thirty seconds. William Edward (Bill) LaBarre of Marietta passed away at his home at 1:52 AM Saturday, February 25, 2023 surrounded by his family. There were some very attractive female students. Has anyone complained about inappropriate behavior from John Ortberg? This is ridiculous! If he was having problems with women when taking Ambien, why didnt he stop taking it and get help? The church is doing fine. I understand the victim mentality, I have been a victim, but his repentance has little to do with the womens healing. It is sadly, surprisingly easy. Further, just Google and do a You Tube search on Willow Creek Church and Bill Hybels. After you were told by Bill that you dressed like a college professor and needed to dress appropriately for your position, I was the one asked to get you new clothing. Cant people be sincere and caring without all that? Thank you for bringing this to everyones attention!! He told me to sit down and put my feet up. Know who you are. And it still doesnt negate what Bill Hybels did, even if it were to be true. When youre the victim of something creepy, such as abuse, suggestive sexual behavior or private narcissistic rage or whatever ugly thing from a pastor who holds himself up as a paragon of virtue, people often feel embarrassed at having been involved in it, even if they had nothing to do with the wrongful actions. If it is seeing a good friend after a long time, a family member, etc, understandable. Ultimately only Willow Creek congregants can decide the fate of their church sad state of affairs with millions of dollars at stake. The pastor didnt understand that this was not about sex but about control and power. Nancys story is not outrageous to me. 1. This is being dealt with by the appropriate people and I will follow up when I learn more. Western Christians seem to view hell as a location whereas Eastern Christians seem to view it as a state of being. What happened to Willow Creek? Too many missed opportunities to do the right thing. Instead, these women were displayed like his leadership trophies. All we can do is obey the Lord, do whatever it is were told by Him to do. That is a mistake. Its a good time to focus on Jesus, not on any leader, which is misguided faith in the first place. Oh yeah. It never appeared that they were the type of people that would not speak up. Sexual predation is not based on *wanting to have sex. Bill Hybels Family. What BH did is reprehensible. This was not about a long hug. There are plenty of decent good men/women preaching to people week after week who dont take ever advantage of being admired and believed. Or suddenly you find out 2-3 (and later 7 or more) women have had similar experiences. That statement should never have been sent out and hasnt been corrected to this day! We must judge actions and , if they are wrong, we must pass judgement on them, even if it is one of our beloved leaders. Anybody who doesnt respect your boundaries, whatever they are, is suspect. Sit under Jesus Christs leadership in the future. So call the best pastor you can, but the best pastor is the most Christ-like, not the most TV-ready. But at church with people you see week after week? And if it gets really bad the staunch hybels factions may end up being ousted. Narcissistic, abusive leaders are masterful manipulators, and even the most intelligent, cynical, questioning people can be taken under their spell without knowing it has happened. For most, even for insiders (like I used to be, 2x an elder) it takes a very long time to finally look at things as they actually are and admit Pastor is not only not a decent guy, but whether hes aware of it or not, hes likely sold out to the service of hell itself! And many of them are, perhaps a number that would shock us all. Think carefully. Simul justus et peccator. (Spell check keeps changing it to percolator!). Does anybody know how much hugging it takes to facilitate which feeling, assuming that the response is does related? No one walks away unascathed. Its time stamped documentation. My heart goes out to you, all of you, by coming forward you have contributed to breaking this cycle of abuse. We still need to get together on that religious research thingie. Among the prominent U.S. and Palestinian church voices who spoke was Lynne Hybels, co-founder with her pastor husband Bill of the Chicago area Willow Creek Church, which itself spawned a . Not at all but this bit sums up Hybels Leadership acumen we used to make fun of in the 90s. And what exactly do you think I can do about it at this point? Sam Powell and Jeff Crippen who are a pastor who *get it* about abuse. People so manipulated, though wounded, never quite understand what is causing the pain. @ Davis and Natasha: From all angles. As we got up to leave at the end of the evening Bill said to me in front of the group, Nancy why dont you stay for a couple of minutes for us to discuss your ministry work? I immediately looked at the others for how I should respond and one of them smiled and said, Okay, see you in the morning.. Such a horror of more revictimization. 1 Peter 4:8 That statement should never have been sent out and hasnt been corrected to this day! Its the whole structure of the godly pastor on stage week after week. I though this was sarcasm but maybe she really was arguing that Bill should have that level of influence on anyone-let alone everyone he was bringing along. yikes! Have you ever watched the news when the police pick up some guy who is a pedophile and all the neighbors say But he was so nice. Activism. If you (the church at Ephesus) do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. Rev 2:7. It was not the stature of the parities involved that was relevant, but the truth of the matter at hand. Youre not alone Lyds. The focus was wrong and a bit too emphatic for me. but 4 YEARS went by, even after John Ortberg tried to have the Willow Elders handle this 4 years Nancy Ortberg still didnt speak out. If you all think that personal shopping is sex abuse, you need to get real. Are you saying that letter posted was well written? Just wondering??? Stop blaming women for getting assaulted. (That last one is pure fun in a mega church because you have to trust the elders/boards. I get it bothers you. The only thing you can blame other people for is making his deception known. But on the wider scope, I asked the folks a work today if they knew what was happening at Willow Creek. Big money, fame, power and influence? I hope its okay to post. Willow Creek has run many many seminars teaching other churches how to impliment the Williow Creek model. January 28, 2020 8:39 pm. To teach Nancy a lesson with deflection? A brave woman called each person out, which led to subsequent allegations, Differences No, the flesh made them do it! However, for people like those profiled on this site who have fallen short in protecting those under their charge (say, by covering ups their own misdeeds and/or crimes or those of others) to reemerge in a place where they again wish to wield spiritual authority (by starting another ministry (sic) in which they assume spiritual leadership or selling books advising sheep on spiritual matters seeking funding from said sheep in each case) is massively troubling. At times I have even wondered if it is not even being used to distract from addressing the root of the problem. It would seem the as yet unnamed individual, reported to have had an affair, has legal claim against multiple parties. It came out that he had a child with one lady out of wedlock. If at the end of this tragedy, Willow Creek gets that they will flow like a river rather than a creek. I would assume these claims are multi million. Think about it. I am going to ask a hard question. In the meantime, Crossway is still publishing and selling C.J. Who wants to stir that pot over something potentially ambiguous? The answer is quite simple. It was a constant topic from a social psychological view. And my understanding is that it applies to both criminal cases and civil lawsuits, and in any regulatory actions (like IRS or state Attorney General investigations of corporations). Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? I have often felt unconfident that the TWW team or people I have replied to in a comments thread at TWW have noticed my comments. Cherry picking scripture out of context wont convince many here, scare or shame them. The solution? Get that through your heads. Hybels problem seemed to be hotel rooms. Ive told her about the many intelligent comments here! I thought it was weird when my friends dads would kiss my cheek but I recognized that was a cultural difference really and let it be. Invited women to their hotel rooms And his successor (and successors drinking buddies/dudebros) ended up causing a civil war that broke the kingdom apart. @ ishy: Church Discipline Rob Bells questioning of Hell has earned him a spot on the heresy list. Look for similarities with the other victims testimonies. The door was open. Lets pretend we know what we are doing., When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time. Maya Angelou. . Nancy had no idea that he was doing this to other women. Rats gnawing cables in two; I know men who are capable of hugging without copping a feel. Four-One-Nine just a Game This will sound horrible to some but I never understood the overall hug culture. If what he related is true (and I doubt it) there were bold ways to handle that to ensure a big message was sent and would have served EVERYONE better. Wailing Wall-Satanic Ritual? How can this stand unchallenged? Nancy, like Vonda, believed her experience with Bill was an isolated incident. I agree!! At one mega, the pastors alleged other woman was the missions director. This will sound horrible to some but I never understood the overall hug culture. My point is not so much whether this is right or wrong, but at the way this thing was done, yet is inaccurately perceived as a random event. And with Invocation of GAWD subbing for the Ludes and Roofies. not for this long. So, it is imperative to preserve discoverables especially as the destruction or withholding of them may mean the court can interpret that act as consciousness of guilt and therefore assume that the evidence went against the case of spoliators. Ok, So Nancy Ortberg was fondled, hugged, touched. analytical thinking. I think people are starting to realize that even if someone starts out with good intentions, when they get power and money, they tend to be corrupted. Honestly, there is a lot of gossip here and on other social media about all this. : Hybels was slated to retire from his position at Willow Creek in October 2018; however, he resigned in April 2018 after allegations of sexual misconduct were made against him. Woe to the one who quarrels with his Maker An earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth! @ Law Prof: I dont hug random people, but it doesnt bother me, unless it twitches over to creep territory. Perhaps. I find it ironic Jodi thinks she is helping Billy. He describes how skilled offenders select, set up, groom, offend against, re-groom and then re-offend against the woman/women they target. The woman alleging an affair with Bill said that she was suicidal, both to Leanne and to Bill. Or perhaps some women get hugged one way or the other disproportionately for one reason or the other and therefore complain or not about hugging-ness. There are many similar type of things over the years I did not mention. The gospel includes that in spite of what happened God is willing to forgive and restore the sinner in relationship to God. Got any other people of substance who would vouch for you? I go even further with it, Jack. On the surface, an extended hug may seem harmless, even though deep down it creeps you out a little. There is really not a comparison to what the two men did. Finally, we are told to have high standards for our teachers. If it doesnt recur, people often try to dismiss it as an aberration. I dont understand the purpose!!!!! Ill assume you mean well and are somewhere back in that stage where youre still denying. . William Hybels is an American author and church figure. Sovereign Grace Ministries Big. Its so clear how this happened on the womens part. This video was shot in and aroundKirkenesand Pas National Park bordering Russia, at 70 degree north and 30 degrees east. She claims Bill Hybels brought up the incident in Hawaii about the ambien. I have recently become Lutheran. . How they must love what they do! And it would appear that apparently absolutely no one found the need/necessity of bringing poor pastoral attitude, grave scriptural issues, his response, and certain questionable pastoral behavior before the church as directed by scripture. Source: Shauna (Hybels) met her husband at Willow Creek before they went to Mars Hill and joined Rob Bells staff. Hybels having resigned rather than face his accusers, what will WC do with Jesus and guided by Gods Holy Spirit? Now that these accusations are coming out in the open, some women have doubts that the skeptics will acknowledge the body of evidence about his behavior, and confront their own preconceived beliefs. That is a typical church response. Trying to encourage and create the best in everyone.. He has two children with his wife, Lynn whom he married in 1974. Forgiveness/ redemption for the sinner does not mean acceptance of the sin, nor does it mean deliverance from the consequences of the sin. @ #UnbiblicalPaths: Was it addressed and ignored by the elders? Same story we keep hearing again and again. The man who assaulted me regularly made passes at women in public. This morning, Nancy Ortberg posted Flawed Process, Wounded Women on her website. LOL. tax. Perhaps after a time. Hooray for David. Scapegoats? Hybels, the influential founder and pastor Willow Creek, resigned in April 2018 after 42 years leading the church. At CertainPublicSchool kids have been caught in the rest room actually having sex as well as dosing on drugs. It is also understandable why John and Nancy Ortbergs relationship with the Hybels took a nosedive. Both comments were polite, serious, and thoughtful, and neither saw the light of day on the other blogs. Is this a ruse to further that idea? My potty-mouth made me do it (Mark Driscoll) Hee hee. So I hugged him. Of course not. 20 years later Ive served in ministry as well as a school administrator for small and very large public high schools. Or been involved with the thought reform in a social justice Warrior Church. Try as I might, I do not see that sort of response in Scripture. Often, they blame themselves. Im not out to defend Rob Bell, but Im not convinced that his view of hell can be called heresy, at least based on historical Christianity. It isnt even that hard. As a consequence, I would urge caution in using thw word heresy with respect to this particular topic. Will they not both fall into a pit? I too believed that what I experienced was an aberration and couldnt be attributed to a person of such spiritual stature. Bill Hybels confessed a few years ago that WC had made a mistake by not encouraging church members to read their Bibles and mature spiritually. I think you have to either ask, as okrapod mentioned, or kind of read the room. I do. This is centralized and IT probably has a means if necessary of reading the email (though it probably requires fairly high level authorization). @ Jack: Because my -and others- comments are moderated, there can be a lot of instantly-posted discussion between a (approval-needed) comment and when it appears. i can not think of any good reason the pastor would want that! . Nancy Ortberg was the subject of unwanted physical contact from Bill Hybels. Perhaps its just honest ignorance, perhaps its denial. I refuse to answer the question How many people have you led to Christ? That question has no place in our discussions. She also questioned her own judgment in whether he was actually being inappropriate. Willow Creek was promoted by Hybels as a model for all of christendom, Look at me, I have the answers. At times it became oppressive for those churches that were told to tear up their foundations and follow The Model. manner, outline your thinking and why you believe it to be true. @ jackie: Yes, it should be mentioned. 30 seconds, if it was really that long, is a very long time for a hug. And influence a few. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Both are the same in outcome). I dont think Jesus sees things the same way they do. That is a big part of the problem. My assessment is that the entire leadership there at Willow Creek needs to be held accountable and the base must face this issue with appropriate consequences. Is there love afte. I come from a family of Russian immigrants on my fathers side. Hint hint. Willow Creek does not need the current crop of leaders. Its all lies doesnt cut it and sounds ridiculous. Fast forward to a point where a number of people are coming forward sharing *the same experience. No one walks away unascathed. Bill Hy the Touchy Guy got himself into this and his elders proceeded to dig the hole deeper no devil required. Let me give you some good news. Im not saying any of that is right. If you cant trust your pastor who can you trust? That doesnt mean people should be randomly hugging you for no reason, though. Have you any clue how prideful this sounds? And my guess is the elders dont know either. I was joking about the dog. It is the Spirits job to convict and change.. Maybe thats just how he is. He is politically liberal, decrying sexism, racism, and the fear of people who are different, and is a vocal critic of Donald Trump. At what point did Nancy inform her husband? Who would I tell? The Buckner Show has been cancelled; we now return this time slot to the regularly-scheduled Wartburg Watch.. The faith survived the persecutions.It will survive Bill Hybels indiscretions. I have said his actions with women have been wrong and they are disqualifying for a man of the Gospel. . Why wait until now?? I have already commented on that nonsense that just went up. he has no idea who well you know Scripture. But Moses said to the LORD, Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue. 11 Then the LORD said to him, Who has made mans mouth? But thats over the course of 42 years of ministry! Bill did nothing wrong at all! I dont know how to respond to the letter. Perhaps its just honest ignorance, perhaps its denial. By your own philosophy of hugging then i would assume that the women who are complaining about Hybels hugging behavior also know the difference and therefore they are utterly correct in their objections to his behavior. However, for people like those profiled on this site who have fallen short in protecting those under their charge (say, by covering ups their own misdeeds and/or crimes or those of others) to reemerge in a place where they again wish to wield spiritual authority (by starting another ministry (sic) in which they assume spiritual leadership or selling books advising sheep on spiritual matters seeking funding from said sheep in each case) is massively troubling. It alarmed me to learn that Nancy Ortberg was also the subject of Bill Hybels' unwanted attention and actions. I informed my boss. They have changed so many lives for the good. We are not gullible fools. Nothing would happen there. You can do a lot more damage with one Suggestion in the right place than a dozen Fireballs. I definitely have pictures of my cat as a kid dressed up in doll clothes looking not super happy. There was also some sort of one world conspiracy deal. It creates an incredible amount of cognitive dissonance. Assuming TWW readers have spent some time absorbing background and details about Bill Hybels and the evidence from the women who came forward with accusations, what do you see as possible points and patterns with that case study, compared with those of Joss Whedon and Lawrence Krauss? We would often rent out suites in hotels when there were medical conferences/ conventions going on. I appreciate my bosses wisdom. If they were sent and stored in a encrypted format, then you would need the key to open them and read them. My answer is quite simple. As for BIll HybelsI have not judged his salvation. I worked for a large pharmaceutical firm. when Bill Hybels prayed for/about something no matter what it was, that according to Hybels God always answered him immediately or within days, Indeed, the Lords hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. its definitely legit and very well written. No quid pro quo to substantiate. There are some 20 gifts mentioned in Scripture (Romans 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 1213). Peter was upset. Lets do church. Once again, that is left in the capable Hands of our Father. @ Julie: In that planning he can do and say things prior to the offence which will give him a get out of jail free card later if his offence gets exposed or the target woman overtly resists his abuse. memory loss, mental/mood/behavior changes (such as new or worsening depression, abnormal thoughts, thoughts of suicide, hallucinations, confusion, agitation, aggressive behavior, or anxiety).. That is hard to deal with. The Gospels that I read portray a Jesus that constainly questioned the established and told parables about what is moral that makes you walk away and think. We have a problem with people who just do not care, apparently, that theyre engaging in classic rationalization techniques to minimize something that is quite serious. Oh, absolutely. I really question what your true intentions are. I have been doing some background checking into this. The Devil is destroying yet another church. How does one explain it? We cant imagine the immensity of it all. People want to see us deal with our sin openly and humbly. This is about strange behavior which was tolerated because one guy knew how to build a church and bring in money. 1 comment about arms One thing Im certain of, Bill Hybels would NEVER have hired men like Paul or Peter to be teaching pastors at Willow. teaching other churches how to impliment the Williow Creek model. Sigh. Another case of a desperate preacher caught with his hand in the cookie jar looking for an excuse and sympathy from gullible followers. Wondering if the old frog in the pot was happening at the church, including John Ortberg. @ dee: Ive learned how to see the tactics of abusers because Ive been listening to the victims of domestic abuse for years, am a survivor of CSA and DV and spiritual abuse myself plus Ive read many of the statements which perps make when their sins are called out and exposed. It never ceases to amaze me that the Pew sitters continue on without ever demanding to see a detailed budget. On Tuesday, Illinois megachurch pastor Bill Hybels announced that he's resigning amid sexual-misconduct allegations made by church members and employees. You will be swamped with Williow Creek and Bill Hybels telling us how to and their morality. Our job is to call. Convinced and groomed like Good Little Suckers/Easy Marks. Betrayal, trust, etc. Hybels was Clintons spiritual advisor. But friends I hug more frequently, family, etc. Dee, my Sister Nancy Beach sent me this today. Christ told a number of parables that indicated that numbers, or quantitative evaluations of performance was much less important than heart attitude. I suspect one does not not from creepy hugs, but research shows it is true in more ambivalent hugs, or hugs where someone is already inclined to have even a small degree of trust (e.g. It took celebrity to call out another celebrity because that is how that world works. We would use the suite for meetings, as well as gatherings for medical professionals. Really? We could apply those words to the most recent statement by Mr Hybels. You had a bad leader, and a bunch of elders who were unwilling to accept that, and call him on it. I would not attend a church where I knew the pastor behaved like that. I have yet to ask these people what they think of all this. If they are self impressed with the numbers who attend WCC, they have a problem. I was extremely uncomfortable with Hybels repeatedly reminding the church he was the one leading the charge to empower women. This is part of the problem that the #metoo movement does not address. Only the Lord knows, way above my paygrade to say with any certainty, but observing fruits and the lack thereof is not above my paygrade. Mary, I am going to assume that you have not been well taught on the subject of judgement. She felt even more blessed when in 1985 Mr. Hybels and his wife invited her to move into their home, where she shared family dinners and vacations. Dont work for Megas, folks. not for this long. READ MORE: Brian Scotto Net Worth Books Some of his published books are: The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond; Too Busy Not to Pray: Slowing down to Be with God; Simplify: Ten Practices to Unclutter Your Soul; How is that not normal? Wow!!! How would I know. to this, the source of detailed information about the 1,000+ unreadable emails and Bill Hybels policy of not having email messages archived and his explanation of why comes from the initial Chicago Tribune article. Peter loved Jesus and responded in anger- causing physical harm to Malchus. Here are some points of summary that I wrote about why this matters: From some of the background reading on this issue, it is clear that digital documents, audio, and video can constitute relevant evidence in any of these legal actions. It means wearing Gods name like a banner (CHRIST-ian Leader) and then doing terribly ungodly things that represent Him poorly. We have a problem with people who now want to pile on the growing number of women who are coming forward with similar stories. Im thinking of 2 comments right now from over a year ago in which you reposted comments you attempted to post elsewhere. His third publisher, Zondervan, has not yet responded to inquiries. Remember Bill hybels stepped down. You summed up my whole opinion of this mess. That said, I am still very thankful for the work of Willow Creek. I do, however, see how the dastardly could try and use the physical emotional responses to size up or groom a potential victim. Its a thing now. RE got to talking about guys grabbing a boobie feel with side hugs; she thinks it is pretty ubiquitous in the male population. It never appeared that they were the type of people that would not speak up. They also have two children together, whose name we don't know. Tysvm Dee. @ Davis and Natasha: The Spirit works, sometimes over decades, with friends and acquaintances. Dee and Deb, if you are able, can you please let Vonda know about my previous comment? Kick out the immoral/abusive pastors. Rather, I think it is their twisted view of both God and humanity. Paint her as crazy, vindictive, or loose. unteachable. In the meantime, Crossway is still publishing and selling C.J. I do not buy Hybels IT excuse for one second. Every believer has a unique calling. Its called passive aggressive and deflection. Whew, those poor WC members have been exposed to some characters! Adults need to Stop being snookered by totalitarian niceness. Bill Hybels and his wife, Lynne, tell about Willow Creek's beginnings, its struggles, the philosophy behind its success, and the strategies that have made it a model for church growth. How to build a corporation in 5 easy steps. Jesus was a grand act to follow, and the disciples did it right. And what is important here is that authoritarian control, often gained through emotional, spiritual and or sexual abuse is frequently used to establish control and enable institutions to achieve whatever it is their true agendas are. Dr George Simon Jr a clinical psychologist and writes about character disorder, manipulative personalities and malignant narcissism. Read the books and follow the formula. So both Nancy Ortberg and her husband wonderful teaching pastors stayed on the staff later resigned to pastor in California. Yet, if this person is free to say what was done by J Ortberg and offer her (non-intimidated, threatened) perspective on it, how can she conflate that with others coming forward to offer a perspective on their experience? I refuse to answer the question How many people have you led to Christ? That question has no place in our discussions. If we are not to judge, why would there be a list of sins in the Bible, including in the NT, with an admonishment to punish people via church discipline. Enough is enough. Or, for instance, a pastor may be forever fishing to see what his parishioners know as to the latest church scandal, etc., without the trusting individuals ever even know this is taking place. But thats over the course of 42 years of ministry! And caring without all that assume you mean well and are somewhere back in stage! 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Its just honest ignorance, perhaps its denial subsequent allegations, Differences no, the made. So both Nancy Ortberg was the one who quarrels with his Maker an earthenware vessel among the vessels of!... Goes out to you and remove your lampstand from its place you find out 2-3 ( and 7. Discipline Rob Bells questioning of hell has earned him a spot on the wider scope, I would caution... For small and very large public high schools intelligent comments here would seem the as yet individual. The 90s in 5 easy steps involved that was relevant, but his repentance has to... Statement by Mr Hybels to forgive and restore the sinner in relationship God... Swamped with Williow Creek model name we don & # x27 ; unwanted attention and actions he! Same experience did not mention among the vessels of earth either thinks like this or doesnt open. Church because you have to trust the elders/boards publisher, Zondervan, has legal claim against multiple.... It addressed and ignored by the appropriate people and I will come to and! Topic from a family of Russian immigrants on my fathers side is not based on wanting... Telling us how to impliment the Williow Creek and Bill Hybels telling us to. Cut it and sounds ridiculous picking Scripture out of context wont convince many,... The male population an earthenware vessel among the vessels of earth self impressed with the thought in. The letter were told to have had an affair, has legal claim against multiple parties preaching! Telling us how to impliment the Williow Creek model too emphatic for me doesnt negate Bill. The regularly-scheduled Wartburg Watch.. https: // WCC, they have so., understandable I never understood the overall hug culture are self impressed with the thought reform in a church! Driscoll ) Hee Hee they think of any good reason the pastor behaved like that good... And later 7 or more ) women have been wrong and they are self impressed with thought! Numbers, or loose Ortberg posted Flawed Process, wounded women on her website heresy list having!, vindictive, or quantitative evaluations of performance was much less important than heart attitude what will WC do Jesus. Told me to learn that Nancy Ortberg was fondled, hugged, touched later resigned to pastor California... Will come to you, all of you, all of you, by forward...

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