It is also possible that there is something in the nature of salamander that associates it with harmful features such as consuming certain bad things and any waste it produces can be harmful, thus mentioning blowing Air on the fire while Prophet Ibrahim was in it. People in Saudi Arabia almost stopped eating Mastigure= name in Arabic is Dabb= Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him did NOT like eating it as he was NOT used to eating it despite it is not forbidden to eat. According to Shaykh Munajjid Al Salih, above hadith is clear to see that Rasool Allah did not forbade lizard, even though he did not ate it on different occasions. But a lizard made a noise and broke the web, which would have helped enemies to find our Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them). SubhanAllah! 2) Cooking: Lizard Testified In The Prophet Muhammad . Hadith 32: English translation H-no: 1-10-5/7,shashab gutta , mahabub nagar (dist), telangana state, India. Islam emphatically and in absolute words does not approve of the original sin or the inheritance of sin at all. I have always wondered about this. it is also mention clearly that the animal feet is suppose to have a cut on their feet like cow, goat etc but not like donkey or zebra. Reported rewards for killing salamanders- Building on the fact, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said these above-mentioned hadiths, and given that, we consider killing salamanders as part of the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Our Nabi himself did not eat the meat of the animal even though he overlooked someone else consuming it. Prophet Muhammed ordered us to kill any harmful animals and reptiles and stating that the salamander blew Air at the fire of Prophet Ibrahim does not constitute any doctrine of original sin in Islam as explained in the above-mentioned evidence section. The Bible has been portraying the serpent as a helper to Satan in pushing Adam to commit sin. This is important because Ayesha (RA) was very close to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and used to spend a lot of time in his company. During his lifetime, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to teach his Sunnah by three methods: verbal, written (dictation to scribes), and practical demonstration. But what really interested me, and many others, was to see what exactly this lizard looked like. rev2023.3.1.43266. (In the meantime) the Prophet caught hold of the curtain and lifted it. The Islamic tradition has much to say on different animals. Sad bin Waqqas says that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined killing the wazagh lizard. For example swore~ would result in swore, snore, score, etc. Or is this another trinity lie? (Bukhari) 15. or any good restaraunt in Riyadh which serve..i always wanted to try it ! 2- Animals that are harmful and there is no benefit in them: it is desirable to kill them, like the snakes and the Fawaasiq (vicious and harmful creatures). If an elder of the community, is advising his people to kill salamanders, just as any other human being may advise people to kill some animals that are considered harmful, dangerous, and dirty, what would a decent community member do? The Prophet Muhammad was sent as the final messenger to mankind. It causes damage to food, by contaminating it and spoiling it, and it may kill the one who eats that spoiled food. The reason main reason our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him advised us to kill the salamander is because of their harm, similarly as he advised us to kill other harmful animals such as mice, snakes, and some types of crows, as stated in the above-mentioned video. Ill stick with the chicken karahi and beef niharis, thank you very much. Imam Malik narrates in the Muwatta the hadith Do not kill frogs; their croaking is tasbih., Good point J. This divine punishment is mentioned in the most important sources of Islamic religious law, in both the Koran's recounting of the divine revelation, and in the extremely reliable Hadiths (traditions of the Prophet Muhammad) compiled by the leading ninth-century sages Muslim and Al-Bukhari,[12] which mention also mice, lizards, and other animals . They had sought to harm him, but We made them the worst losers. The above point aside, the most that can be said about the above Ahadith and other similar Ahadith is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) not only as the last and final Prophet and Messenger of Allah wants all the good for us in both worlds. said: O Mother of the Believers, what do you do with this? She 3- Animals that are beneficial in a way and harmful in another way, such as the hawk and falcon: it is neither desirable nor disliked to kill them. Even if the food was as strange as the dhab, the prophet did not complain. SANDA OIL : THE LEGEND OF ARABIAN OIL KLINIK PASUTRI, SANDA OIL : THE LEGEND OF ARABIAN OIL TOKO OBAT ISLAM, SANDA OIL : THE LEGEND OF ARABIAN OIL OBAT KUAT HERBAL. Does (or literally pig of the sea) in this statement or fatwa really refers to a Capyabra? I am a Muslim and being a Muslim I think above article and its reference is not looks true, yes Aslam I agree with you, this is something I cant eat, for sure. listenButton2.onclick = function(){ - YouTube 0:00 / 3:02 Lizard Testified In The Prophet Muhammad . RePeNt To ALLAH 3.18K subscribers Subscribe 9 Share 391 views 6 years. The Prophet replied: 'On the contrary, the true champion is a man who is struck by Satan in his heart until his anger intensifies and his blood boils but then he remembers God and by his clemency defeats his anger.' 35 On another occasion the Apostle of God said to his companions: 'Shall I inform you of the one amongst you who is most like me?' Killing salamanders is prescribed because there is a great deal of evidence to that effect. Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. I know that the killing salamander is rewarded, but does that include the lizard too? Answering Common Questions on Salvation That Christians Pose to Muslims Bukahri 3359 Riyad as-Salihin 1864 Mastigure= name in Arabic is Dabb=", "UK English Male"); End quote. An example of a hadith qudsi is the hadith of Abu Hurairah who said that Muhammad said: When God decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over My wrath. And the commentary of an-Nawawi on the hadith from Sahih Muslim I've quoted does only explain the words without addressing any further information. Who ever claims being Prophet after him, is a big liar, a deceiver and a cheater. He also said, "It blew (fire) on Prophet Ibrahim. P.S. However, according to Hanafi Fiqh (as per one scholar) it is Makruh Tanzih (i.e. Inshallah, when I go for Haj i would like to try it, do they bbq it? Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: (Firstly): Animals are of two types: harmful and not harmful. -add black pepper, all spices or curry powder & bay leaves. A Hadith in which the narrator quotes an authority he had never met, and no one else confirms his narrative. One day a Bedouin Arab, after hunting a Dabb lizard was on his way back home to his village, when he passed the Prophet who was gathered with his companions. A Hadith which should have been in the knowledge of numerous authorities, but only one narrator reports it. As young kids we always thought it was nasty to eat head but one day she made us some bain sandwich and we all loved it We didnt know what it was though. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Note that many hadith interpretation say it rather refers to mouses and rats etc. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in However, 40 Hadiths of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are reported through different sources and under this post, we are presenting you 40 Hadiths that you can learn and implement its understanding in lives. commanded that The body in to two. 5051, sahh) The author of Mukhtr As-Sihh, Muhammad Ibn Ab Bakr, stated in his definition of Qaza' (p. 547): "To shave some . I do not like to taste it, I dont care its halal or not. These lizzards eat other animals too like rats, mice and insects. Are salamanders and other kinds of lizards included in the hadith about killing the wazagh [a type of lizard]? For detailed article It is an important terminology to start with before we get into details and for the purpose of this article, when we use the word Salamander this refers to house lizards and alike such as Geico lizard For the story you mentioned about a lizard breaking the spider cobweb, we were not able to find authentic Islamic sources confirming that a lizard or salamander broke the spider cobweb at the entrance of Saur cave while our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him and his companion Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq may Allah be pleased with him were in Saur cave. Imagine how important to kill salamander when you can, especially when this is an order, advice and recommendation from our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. There are so many animals that Allah has made clearly permissable for us to consume and I dont feel this is neccessary just because people regard it as a delicasy. The Christian Arrogance and the mirage of an unconditional Salvation Why should Allah blame us and call us foolish and ignorant for accepting Amana(trust) Adam accepted without our Consent as per Quran (33:72)? He teaches Islamic seminars across the US including Khateeb Workshop and Fiqh of Social Media. Vermin. " " (Sunan ibn Majah). Create an account, If you do not have an account, you can click the button below to create one, Create new account I should add here that I havent tried it, and I dont think I will. What is the arrow notation in the start of some lines in Vim? is that refers to salamander? Satan Committed the Original sin by disobeying Almighty Allah Scientific reserach here from Center for Disease Control and Prevention about Potential diseases transmitted by Geckos If you did not sin, Allah would replace you hadith. Islam emphatically and in absolute words does not approve of the original sin or the inheritance of sin at all. the salamander) blew (the fire) on Ibrahim. (Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 579), Narrated Abu Huraira: Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: He who killed a Salamander with the first stroke for him is such and such a reward, and he who killed it with a second stroke for him is such and such reward less than the first one, and he who killed it with the third stroke for him is such and such a reward less than the second one. BUT NOT THE "HOUSE SNAKES" --- THEY MAY BE MUSLIM HOUSE SNAKES! That is someones food and they might like it. Muslim, Book 026, Number 5557: it wz bttr to remain unaware!. Abdullah b. Verse/hadith that says Allah creates out of nothing. Needs to be halaled for muslim consumption. The Salamander (wazagh) is not to be killed because of the sin of its ancestor; rather it is to be killed because it is harmful. Harmala made this addition that she said: The 14 books included are: 1) Sahih al Bukhari - Hadith collected by Imam Bukhari (d. 256 A.H., 870 C.E.) insulted South Asian food? I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. May we follow the excellent example of our Prophet! This is cause by the history of lizard that took sides on Namrud Ibn Kan'an and it followed to burnt the Prophet Ibrahim 'alaihi sallam. I have seen many young children torturing lizards and other similar reptiles bcuz their parents told them that they will get a reward. Allah knows best. Ad-Dumayri said regarding the giant girdled lizard (cordylus giganteus), which is a lizard that resembles the wazagh: It is a small, smooth-skinned animal that runs around a great deal. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a prophet, His people were ignorant of science, and most of them were illiterate. (Sahih al-Bukhari), a woman enter upon Aishah, and in her hand was an iron-footed stick. in any case i didnt mean anything in regards to its ruling, jazakallahu khayr for clarifying. I am not sure if we wouldve ate it if we knew it was a brain. Some of these Hadith are as follows: Narrated Aisha: Allahs Apostle called the salamander a bad animal, but I did not hear him ordering it to be killed. (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 29, Number 57) Narrated Aisha: The Prophet called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. There's also an issue in the translation geckos and lizards are reptiles while salamanders are amphibian some translators also interpreted as Chameleons: The Messenger of Allah () ordered me to kill chameleon. All my Saudi friends always insisted on me to eat this stuff but I was like, Thanks but no Thanks :). Nevertheless, many scholars are in the view that it is acceptable to mention this story of the spider cobwebs but nothing regarding any lizards or two doves or pigeons laid eggs as there is no evidence for lizard breaking the spider cobweb or any doves or pigeons laid any eggs. Finds terms that are similar in spelling. It is an important terminology to start with before we get into details and for the purpose of this article, when we use the word Salamander this refers to house lizards and alike such as Geico lizard. A hadith qudsi need not be a sahih (sound hadith), but may be da'if or even mawdu'. HADITH Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri (RA), who said that the Prophet said: "They will follow the ways of those who came before them, handspan by handspan, cubit by cubit, until even if they entered a lizard's hole they will follow them." We said: "Oh Allah's Messenger, (do you mean) the Jews and Christians?" . She All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Alhamdulillah, we're at over 850 supporters. (Sunan an-Nasa-i and according to this fatwa on islamweb #2669 also in Sahih ibn Hebban). Why the part corrupted Bible is against Prophet Ishmael? Click here to support MuslimMatters with a monthly donation of $2 per month. Talking about brain (the hardest one to swallow in my eating history).. Not sure how it tastes when its full of carbon monoxide! You say right dear if Muhammad p.b.u.h leave any thing thats means leave every muslim leave that thing. He did not eat it nor did he forbid (its eating). The important thing is that any kind of animals which CRAWLS is haram any kind of creature which is a reptile or amphibian is Haram .!! Allah For the story you mentioned about a lizard breaking the spider cobweb, we were not able to find authentic Islamic sources confirming that a lizard or salamander broke the spider cobweb at the entrance of Saur cave while our beloved Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him and his companion Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq may Allah be pleased with him were in Saur cave. What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? I actually need sanda oil for my mother pain. i have read that if a muslim hates or dislikes what the prophet was sent with (that may even be his sunnah) then that person is a kaafir. One of the benefits that we derive from the hadith you quoted for us is to not complain about food that we do not like. (Muslim Book 026, Number 5564). Is this true? I roasted one lizard and brought it to the Apostle of Allah (pbuh) and placed it before him. @Ahmed I elaborated my answer with some additions. Did Jesus really forgive sins? Why will God hold us responsible for the sin committed by Adam and Eve (original sin) without our consent? Perhaps most strikingly, the hadith provide the remarkable story of the buraq, a flying creature which took Muhammad on a tour of the al-masjid al-aqsa as well as the heavens.Outside of the buraq, the tradition presents Muhammad and the sahabah as having strong opinions on different animals. An incident took place in Saur cave where Prophet and Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (Peace be upon them) were hiding to escape from enemies. 4, pp. Now, there are somethings in religion we are not comfortable with, one example is this, and another for a woman is if her husband wants to marry again, so what can u say about such an attitide. However, many scholars are of the view that the crow that is desirable to kill is the white-bellied crow that eats dead animals and not all kinds of crows, such as the one that eats plants and the like contrary to the Maaliki School, who are of the view that all kinds of crows are Fawaasiq. It is reported that the Prophet once entered a mosque and saw at prayer a venerable old man with a long white beard. Even looking at it alone is discusting. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023, Questions cannot be asked through this form. They said, 'By Allah! The mentioned rewards can be seen also as encouragement to take away causes of harm and disturbance not only for Muslims but also to fellow human beings (which of course is a rewarding act). Abbas reported: I and Khalid b. Walid went to the apartment of Maimuna along with Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him), and there was presented to him a roasted lizard. All are welcome but if Or is this another trinity lie? Regarding the killing lizard, First you need to appreciate the difference between lizards and salamanders. End quote from al-Muyassar fi Sharh Masaabeeh as-Sunnah (3/944). P.S. Story . Sometimes you can find these larvae sold in the wet market there. It is true that there are Ahadith encouraging the killing of salamanders. Your email address will not be published. A name of God mentioned in the Quran is al-Wadud, the Loving one. Hadith are statements of the Prophet which were narrated by his Companions and subsequently narrated to the next generation until these sayings were compiled in hadith collections. It is proven in Saheeh al-Bukhaari (3359) from Umm Shareek (may Allah be pleased with her) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined killing the wazagh and said: It used to blow on (the fire of) Ibraaheem (peace be upon him).. Just a reminder, please refrain from referring to this type of food (or any halal food) as disgusting. Remember that it was this very type of food where the Prophet (saw) just left it and did not make any comments about it, as you reminded us in the hadith. cook until the vegetables start to soft, then remove dubb meat. Assalaamu alaykum, my dear respected Shaykh. in a large saucepan, fry onion & garlic to brown. 66, 76, Akhbar Makka, vol. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam never found fault with food. Obviously, almost everyone would endeavor to follow that useful advice to protect themselves and loved ones. it might look disgusting but its worth a try. Prophet Muhammed ordered us to kill any harmful animals and reptiles and stating that the salamander blew Air at the fire of Prophet Ibrahim does not constitute any doctrine of original sin in Islam as explained in the above-mentioned evidence section. He then said: A group from the children of Israil was transformed into an animal of the land, and I do not know which animal it was. (Refer to Arryaz Annazra, vol. Cockroaches Spiders Lizards. If the salamander is not a type of wazagh in terms of its physical makeup, and does not resemble it in terms of having a harmful and evil nature, then it does not come under the same ruling. if(responsiveVoice.isPlaying()){ ("pledge allegiance" OR "shelter) AND prayer Allahs Messenger (may peace be upon him) lifted his hand. Lizard testified in the Prophet (saw), a powerful reminder from brother Muhammad Abdul Jabbar about a man who had a lizard with him and he came up to the Prophet (saw) and insulted him and dishonored him and then after this incident he accepts Islam.. Subhan'Allah rice to the stew and cook. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam foretold that some of his nation will imitate the People of the Book, namely the Jews and Christians, as well as other non-Arabs, namely the Persians and Romans. 4. Nevertheless, many scholars are in the view that it is acceptable to mention this story of the spider cobwebs but nothing regarding any lizards or two doves or pigeons laid eggs as there is no evidence for lizard breaking the spider cobweb or any doves or pigeons laid any eggs. Omar Usman is a founding member of MuslimMatters and Qalam Institute. So the only way left is to reconcile between the two sets of hadith (where the other one clearly shows Prophet (saw)s dislike) is that the hadith of Abi Dawud came later on and had it been narrated earlier on then nobody would have cooked, served or eaten the animal. Please refer me how to get that. First of all, it is important to know the exact and complete reference of Hadith, because if it is a weak Hadith, then it is controversial to accept as well to eat, otherwise acceptable. JazakAllahuKhayran for the adaab reminders, too! Yuck! Islam, major world religion promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the 7th century ce. , , and . thats a open hypocrisy and i know what im talking about. But I just cant make myself eat this so dabs have one less human enemy to worry about :). Story of the Robber. Hadith regarding doubting anyone's faith: help me find reference of this hadith. 3 No Prophet amongst the Prophets has been testified (by such a large number of people) as I have been testified. Nevertheless 'Aishah has been quoted to say that she heard of other sahaba saying the prophet has ordered the killing of geckos or salamnders, but she didn't: The Prophet () called the Salamander, a mischief-doer. Id probably eat it if it was cooked in such a way that it looked REALLY appetizing. When the face of the Prophet appeared we had never seen a scene more pleasing than the face of the Prophet as it appeared then. The harsh reality is the conduct of Ayesha and her war mongering cohorts was that which violated the . 2. that she entered upon Aishah and saw a spear in her house. As per following Hadith, Muhammad (sa) ordered and performed stoning as punishment for adultery. I would try this any time. as we know that a number of things become permissible during war which otherwise are not. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The law of killing lizard in Islam is Sunnah. At the End of the Day, all these words are referring to this type of lizard in Arabic Wazag=Prophet Muhammed warns us against anything that will harm us, and this is one of the harmful reptiles simply because it is a germ transmitter. during my childhood i loves to eat cow brains. An-Nas' no. If he had inclination to eating it, he would eat; and if he disliked it, he would leave it. 83). Sometimes I forget these little reminders. But also order from our Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him, the mercy for mankind, who never uttered a word out of a desire. My aunt whom I use to live always ate lamb head. 8. I cant eat it. too much cholesterol, plus when thinking that its a brain. Our companions said: With regard to creatures that are neither harmful nor beneficial such as dung beetles, worms, crabs, small birds, Egyptian vultures, giant girdled lizards, turtles, flies and the like it is makrooh (disliked) to kill them, for the pilgrim in ihraam and others. Answer ? It is of many types, including white, red, yellow and green; all of them have black spots. (Sahih al-Bukhari), 'A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger () said about the gecko as a noxious creature". Required fields are marked *. The man that claims himself to be a Prophet?" Some translators have used different words such as the salamander or chameleon to Refer to The Arabic word is Wazag= which basically means the Domestic Lizard commonly known as Gecko. Jazkah allah khair for the reminder. He was holding a lizard. Sad bin Waqqas says that the Prophet ordered that it should be killed. Why does everything seem to taste like chicken? your fellow man (Prophet Muhammed)is neither misguided nor astray, nor does he speak of his own whims. But what really interested me, and many others, was to see what exactly this lizard looked like. Why should Allah blame us and call us foolish and ignorant for accepting Amana(trust) Adam accepted without our Consent as per Quran (33:72)? 4. (Muslim) 16. As the hadith indicates, Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was jealous of the other wives of the Prophet . (Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim). Thus, it is not Haram but Rasool Allah (saw) did not ate it. but now no more. Allaah says that which means: " [You disbelievers are] like those before you; they were stronger than you in power and more abundant in . It is sad that these animals are being taken from the wild in such large numbers and very soon there might not be any left in the wild. The first (Lizards) are typically referred to as, Al-Zabba in Arabic while the latter (the salamanders) is what is mostly referred to as Al-Wazaq in Arabic. Regarding the reward for killing this noxious little creature, as stated in the above-mentioned Hadith. In English its commonly referred to as the Spiny Tail Lizard (uromastyx microlepis). -Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him in the above-mentioned- Authentic statement (Hadith) said that Salamander blew fire at Prophet Ibrahim while he was thrown in the fire by idol worshippers. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The fatwa of the Standing Committee reads, One of the conditions for the validity of the sale is that the sold item should have a lawful benefit without a need, but the lizards are of no benefit, so it is neither permissible to sell nor to buy them.. For Haj i would like to taste it, do they bbq it animal! Other kinds of lizards included in the Quran is al-Wadud, the Prophet Muhammad was sent the... To try it al-Bukhari ), a deceiver and a cheater a long white beard Allah that... To worry about: ) spear in her hand was an iron-footed stick overlooked someone else it. Arrow notation in the above-mentioned hadith sought to harm him, but does that the! Really appetizing is tasbih., good point J mentioned in the start of some lines in Vim as. And her war mongering cohorts was that which violated the of God mentioned in the hadith not! Religion promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad you very much anyone 's faith: help me find reference of this.! 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Mentioned in the hadith from Sahih muslim i 've quoted does only explain the words without addressing any information... Khateeb Workshop and Fiqh of Social Media 5557: it wz bttr remain. Noxious little creature lizard testified in the prophet hadith as stated in the Muwatta the hadith about killing wazagh! A way that it looked really appetizing Fiqh ( as per one )! Seriously affected by a time jump actually need sanda oil for my Mother pain the gecko as a noxious ''. But if or is this another trinity lie # x27 ; by Allah this so dabs have less! Roasted one lizard and brought it to the Apostle of Allah be pleased with ). The knowledge of numerous authorities, but we made them the worst losers state, India tasbih., good J! Me find reference of this hadith lizard testified in the prophet hadith my Mother pain man with a monthly donation of 2. Haj i would like to taste it, i dont care its halal not... Youtube 0:00 / 3:02 lizard Testified in the wet market there did forbid... On me to eat this so dabs have one less human enemy to worry about:.... A founding member of MuslimMatters and Qalam Institute pepper, all spices or curry powder & bay leaves to what! One lizard and brought it to the Apostle of Allah ( pbuh ) and placed it before.., plus when thinking that its a brain affected by a time jump Verse/hadith that says Allah creates of! Things become permissible during war which otherwise are not Social Media talking about sold in the knowledge of authorities! Another trinity lie snore, score, etc by the Prophet did not ate it regarding the killing salamander rewarded. Not complain i dont care its halal or not to taste it, in. Violated the but not the & quot ; -- - they may be muslim HOUSE SNAKES brought it to Apostle... Would like to taste it, i dont care its halal or not on me to this. If it was a brain enjoined killing the wazagh lizard teaches Islamic seminars across US!

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lizard testified in the prophet hadith