Their Fancy Footwork ability allows them to disengage from a target for free they made a melee attack against it. He tosses a second sword to the trembling villain, promising a fair fight for even the most wretched of scum. On another note, I see a lot of people playing their swashbucklers as gunslingers. Mixes of dialects, jargon, and nonsense words are used to communicate verbally, and a mix of symbols and secret signs are used to convey simple nonverbal messages. As for spells, follow your heart. Swashbuckler if you want to move around and given your party composition. You gain an additional use condition for your sneak attack at 3rd level, which can completely change the dynamic of a rogue. Were essentially trading one ASI, two features and 1d6 of sneak attack damage to become much more skilled combatants. Take your attack action (successfully dealing sneak attack damage) Depending on what you want to go for with your Swashbuckler I would say that all of the PHB fighter archetypes are excellent choices for supplementing a Swashbuckler depending on what you want to do. Once you use this feature, you cant use it again until you finish a short or long rest. So, this capacity must be there for use to cause an enemy to hit another enemy. Fancy Footwork: Free disengages from enemies you have attacked will allow your swashbuckler to skirt around the battlefield and be extremely hard to pin down. Tiefling (Dispater, Glasya) +2 CHA, +1 DEX. In D&D, this gives us a really exciting character to play. To me this feels like the classic hero move, getting the big bad to focus on you. They have proficiency in the stealth skill built in. If we increase these characters to Rogue 9 (A), Rogue 4/Fighter 5 (B) and Rogue 5/Fighter 4 (C) respectively, character (A) gains +1d6 sneak attack and the Panache ability, their total attack routine now generates a DPR of24.18. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Losing 1 lvl for Two Weapon Fighting or Shields and Dueling is the best bang for your buck.Martial Adept feat with Parry & Riposte are adecent Feat for a Rogue as you can get 1 extra Sneak Attack a round per Short Rest. We can take 17 levels in rogue (getting our Master Duelist capstone feature) and 3 levels in fighter (enough to take the battle master subclass). You get to add expertise to two more skills, or thieves tools. Expertise: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. Half-Elf: The +2 CHA bonus and a +1 to DEX is a great starting ASI. If you can see your attacker when they hit you, you can use your reaction to halve the attacks damage. I like the idea of a field bladelock swashbuckler, but thats just me. Features that you automatically obtain through the Rogue class will appear in Orange and features that you gain through the Swashbuckler archetype subclass will appear in Pink. Rapier in hand, the masked man slowly approaches the corrupt sheriff. I really like to pick up a single level of Fighter at 4th level also. 4. A big part of being a swashbuckler is having a reputation that speaks for itself, even if youve done some of the fabricating for it. Additionally, you gain a new condition that you can make sneak attacks under. In fact, had the first two and last two been switched, I probably wouldnt notice any serious power imbalance. Should I start as another class, and then go swashbuckler? Ill be honest with you, I put this here so that you can build Inigo Montoya youre welcome. 7. Zorro, Robin Hood, Inigo Montoya, Indiana Jones, Jack Sparrow, and even Han Solo are all characters who fit the archetype of swashbuckler. We rely on stealth to keep us safe, how are we supposed to involve ourselves in single combat and take all the damage that comes with it? Swashbucklers are amazing at two things: mobility and single target damage. Do I double my proficiency into Persuasion or not? No more waiting in the shadows for one of your party members to engage an enemy before you rush in. Your email address will not be published. Many skills ask that you build your Rogue for a tank, that is possible, however not easy. The swashbuckler presents an interesting opportunity when it comes to multiclassing. If every attack lands they all have roughly the same damage. Going Dex/Wisdom/Charisma, just need a campaign to play her in :). Characters (B) and (C) do not gain an additional die of sneak attack so their basic routines stay at23.07and 20.21but they also have all the additional ways of increasing their damage output. As for the charm, our ninth-level ability gives us an exciting feature centered around persuasion. Basically, you either have advantage on them or being near an ally (the enemy of my enemy is my friend logic) lets you get a sneak attack in. Since our characters are based on dexterity and charisma, we can go in two ways, either moving towards a dexterity-based combatant or toward a charisma-based magic user. modifier will give you a suicidal AC of 14, and it's not going to get much better. Basic DPR is 10.65, sneak attack DPR is 9.56 for a total DPR of 20.21. Rogues have a crazy amount of skills to choose from, and starting out with four proficiencies (not including any racial or background) is unbeatable. I'm playing a Swashbuckler 13/Battle Master 5 in a high-level one-off with a Scimitar of Speed and am really really enjoying how she's turned out so far. Swashbuckler/Paladin looked cool to me purely for the nova potential, but I understand that it's MAD unless I start Pally with less than 13 Str. / Hasbro, Inc. The best class to multiclass into for a Rogue (Swashbuckler) IMO is the Fighter. I'm aiming for Swashbuckler, and I'm having a blast so far. Home. The spike damage of an assassin is nice, but tbh. The effects of a successful persuasion will depend on whether or not the creature is hostile toward you. Green Flame Blade is a solid option to squeeze out some more damage when you get the chance but the real winner here is Booming Blade. This will make your opponent face a tough choice, do they follow you and take the additional damage? You lose 1d6 from Sneak Attack, but garentee the +3 from Dex on the off-hand attackOnce per Short Rest you can gain an extra Attack Action for 1 attack for 1d6+3 but Sneak Attack only applies once a turn.If you're Battlemaster with Riposte you can possibly get more Sneak Attacks a round with your Battle Master ability per Short Restfor 4 chances for 1d6+3+1d8+3d6 (shortword+dex+superiority die+sneak attack)You don't want Parry, you want Riposte because you'll want to use Uncanny Dodge to half damage from an attack. I recommend at least 5 levels for Extra Attack, which if you are two-weapon fighting as per the intent of the subclass, that gives you three attacks per round to land Sneak Attack. Of course, you dont lose out on the other sneak conditions. Swords Bard get all those cool flourishes, and the ability to use their weapon as their spellcasting focus. Even though the features are spread nicely for rogue subclasses, when we judge this subclass on a weighted scale it leans heavily to the earlier levels. The fact that there is such a heavy focus on this subclasss charisma is really interesting, and its what makes this character exciting to play, whether youre in or out of combat. The maths for characters (B) and (C) are similar. Was thinking about making a Swashbuckler multiclassed with College of Swords bard to proper zone into being a swave mouthy sword figther , Great use of the additional CHA score! Privacy Policy. On a successful check against a non-hostile target, the target is charmed for 1 minute or until you or your allies harm it. To really milk this multiclass, a player should focus on high Dexterity and Charisma, even though Artificers shine with Intelligence. Is it possible to cast Booming Blade, move 30, hit, then use Cunning Action to dash away another 30? Instead of having to have an ally within 5ft OR have advantage on the roll, Swashbucklers can use their sneak attack feature whenever they are within 5ft of the enemy and there are no other creatures within 5ft of you. Finish the round Instead of goading them, you are literally charming them. Brave is also a great feature, advantage against being frightened means one less way to get disadvantage against your opponents aka more sneak attacks. How do Rogues fare at higher levels in DnD in combat (as out of combat is underdeveloped in BG3)? Thank you for the guide. Rakish Audacity: Their Rakish Audacity allows Swashbucklers to add their CHA modifier to their Initiative roll. We cover the best background for Rogues in our 5e Rogue Guide, the only changes would be: Ability Score Increases (ASI) at 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level. (C) A Rogue(Swashbuckler) 5/Fighter(Battlemaster) 3. This guide is meant as a deep dive into the Swashbuckler Rogue subclass. Maybe a 3 level dip into fighter, since I don't care for much beyond Monk's lvl 14 features. Glad you liked the guide! Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier, Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per rogue level after 1st, Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. They have a 85.8% chance of the sneak attack being on a hit and a 7.8% chance of it being on a crit for an average of7.10damage. We get a lot of skills thanks to the rogue class. As soon as you take this subclass at 3rd level, you gain the ability to add your charisma modifier to your initiative roll. This makes a character who uses their Charisma stat for almost everything, whether it be spellcasting, attacking, or adding to their Initiative roll in a fight. Once you do so, you cant use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest. Thieves Cant is an interesting language in the world of D&D, which thieves use to communicate coded messages with each other. So I come back to wondering about the in-combat use of Panache. Ill be honest, Im fairly certain tabaxi was built for this subclass, or at least rogues in general. The swashbuckler class gets a slew of excellent abilities that make it one of the best rogue subclasses. 0.55*8.5 + 0.05*13 + 0 = 5.325and 0.55*4.5 + 0.05*9 + 0 = 2.925 for a total of 8.25. I'm currently a Hexblade 4, and looking to multi- into Swashbuckler after I get into 5th level. I was thinking of including swashbuckler now as multi-class Warlock, Paladin and or bard swords. Draw your off-hand weapon and step forward 5 from in behind the barbarian to engage in melee Or we can split the difference more, taking 13 levels in rogue (2nd to last subclass feature) and 7 levels in fighter (up to the 2nd subclass feature). So lets talk about how your charisma turns you into a better rogue. That was a really fun to play build. I'm thinking I want to bring em' up to level 9, but what sort of multiclasses would be good on a swashbuckler? Plus, were still getting 6 ASIs, which makes this feel like were not missing out on much. All to gain at best 1d8+DEX damage from extra attack, the Fighting Style, Action Surge (which is still your turn so you only get 1 Sneak Attack!) But, they can always be used to build a great character, and being able to choose a feat at 1st level is hard to pass up. One can easily start the game with 16s in DEX, CON, and CHA. Swashbucklers are an interesting twist on Rogues. Additional accessible formats for this information are available upon request. He even has taken out proficiency with thieves tools for wood working furniture which fits better as he spends so much time breaking furniture for use as a weapon. For example, if your goal is to focus purely on melee combat with your rapier, you might want to pick up Fighting Initiate (choosing dueling), Defensive Duelist, Piercer, and Martial Adept to round out your combat potential. Touch 2: The Push from the Past. Required fields are marked *. This is my first time playing something that isn't a monk, and possibly my first time playing a race that isn't Wood Elf. If we instead assume that the second ASI goes into Dexterity, character (A) will have Dex 20 at level 8 for DPRs of21.59 (L8) and24.78 (L9). The swashbuckler class gets a slew of excellent abilities that make it one of the best rogue subclasses. Until the time is right and she pulls her sword from her umbrella/parasol handle and strikes with a fury! Panache also essentially grants a free Charm Person spell any time you are out of combat. Obviously nobody can tell about high levels in BG3 but maybe someone experienced in DnD can make some assumptions. The Swashbuckler Rogue in particular meshes well with bard, as many of its abilities are tied to the character's Charisma score, the Bard's primary stat. Thanks for the discussion. You can find more about the basics of building a better rogue in our rogue guide. But all that predicates on Readying a move action, which I dont think you can do: i.e., you can move and ready an attack/action, but you cant attack/Pinache(Persuasion action) and ready a move. Multiclassing can be difficult to pull off without a plan, and thats only with two classes. Hexbuckler of the Astral Seas - DnD 5e. An attack counts as a sneak attack if you either have advantage on your target, or if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, they arent incapascitated and you dont have disadvantage on them. Touch 5: The Stage the Players Built. But I do see your point. The wording is quite confusing, but essentially Swashbucklers get sneak attack if: Long story short, there are very few opportunities that Swashbucklers will ever NOT have sneak attack against a target. Spies, thieves, assassins, these are the archetypes that I picture whenever someone mentions a rogue, be it D&D or not. Any rogue class makes it especially hard to sacrifice levels because not only are we missing out on features, were missing out on sneak attack damage progression. Love the guide! Community. I could see an interesting situation where, in an ideal situation, you use Panache then attack with your offhand weapon. Use your Panashe action to taunt the enemy (and win (they are now at a disadvantage to hit anyone but you)) It says cast time is 1 action and duration 1 round, so Id need to cast it and hit in same turn. So what are interesting/useful/unique multiclasses from around 12 onwards (or whatever works I'm open to opinions). Going single weapon with a Rapier as my Kensai weapon. Just get a large mount and you are set. Character (B) will get Dex 20 at level 9 for DPRs of23.07 (L8) and 24.87 (L9), with the chance to deal an additional65.45per short rest (Action Surge + 4x Riposte). Is it another option for cunning action? My only complain is that Investigation (INT) checks to detect traps are terrible and have no bonus, which sucks when you are also the scout (because Rogue.) The total DPR for your turn assuming all your attacks qualify for Sneak Attack, which is easy for a Swashbuckler, is 8.25 + 12.74 = 20.99. 2. Not to mention we gain a feature later on that gives us advantage on acrobatics and athletics checks. Almost every action hero owes some of their personality to the brave, charming, and skilled characters of romance novels and folklore. Both of these bloodlines are great for swashbucklers. Master Duelist: This is kind of a last-ditch effort ability. Ability Scores: STR 8, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 8, WIS 8, CHA 15, Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth, Persuasion, Deception, Equipment: Shortsword, short bow, burglars pack, leather armor, two daggers, and thieves tools, Cantrips: Booming Blade, Green Flame Blade. The Booming Blade is the weapon attack action, not some additional spell action. Its important to remember that this ability has no impact on other effects a dexterity saving throw might cause, such as being knocked prone. Keep in mind, most races and subraces are limited by the setting and source material chosen by the DM. On a successful check against a hostile target, the target has disadvantage on, and cant make opportunity attacks towards, any creatures other than you. At first level your leather armour (nerfed to AC 11 in 5th edition) plus your Dex. That is the subclass for players who want to play a real rogue. Published on October 26, 2020, Last modified on February 20th, 2023. Top of the round The Samurai and Swashbuckler subclasses synergize incredibly well, creating a damage-focused character with plenty of utility outside of combat as well. Speed, Elegance, and Charm. We can take martial adept here and grab up an impressive maneuver. If you were going for a Way of Shadows ninja I could see some benefits to a Rogue/Monk multiclass but not for a Swashbuckler. With this option, youre using your newfound access to spellcasting (pact magic) to increase your swashbuckling prowess. The Assassin is what it sounds. Roland Drews says: June 10, 2021 at 6:05 am. Magic Initiate If youre looking for spells, grab this up as early as you can. They have quite a few helpful abilities, probably the best of which is their spellcasting, with the ability to cast darkness once you hit 5th level. Rogue: Swashbuckler. A character with this multiclass combo will be extremely strong in one-on-one fights, as they can deal Sneak Attack damage using Rakish Audacity when fighting alone. Subscribe to our newsletter and never miss another post! Think about it: if its just you and your foe, youre sneaking; if an ally gets within 5 feet of your foe, youre sneaking; and if you have advantage for any reason, youre sneaking. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. thoughts? The Swashbuckler Rogue is loaded with good features from levels 5 . I opted for the feat at first level and chose tavern brawling( if thats the name) he isnt really high in charisma but has a high strength and dext and highish constitution. Well start off with expertise in persuasion and acrobatics. Or another option to add Magic initiate to get booming blade or GFB. Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype. Fighter has a slightly higher minimum damage. A Swashbuckler is a flashy, showy, bombastic adventuring type, usually but not necessarily a swordsman. Eldritch, and Blast. This gives you a great way to make some money on the side and access to an unusual but inexpensive weapon (instead of a musical instrument since this is a variant of entertainer). There are a couple of options here for how our characters will look at 20th level. Warlock is another great choice because it synergizes well with the swashbucklers high CHA. Today we look at a multi-class build combining the Battlemaster Fighter and Swashbuckler Rogue to give us a mobile, agile, and deadly melee fighter. Warlocks are well known for giving Eldritch Blast to anyone who takes a level, but choosing to stick out longer and yield all the benefits that hex blade offers is the way to go. As he gracefully slides down a rope he beckons to his foes to surrender now before things get ugly. This assumes Dex 16, two weapon fighting short swords with no feats5 Rogue/3 FighterExpertise x2, Cunning Action, Uncanny Dodge, Second Wing, Action Surge, ASI/Feat1d6+3 Attack Action1d6+3 Bonus Action3d6 Sneak Attack. The only reason I mentioned the longsword was to point out that you cant use Monk as a way to Sneak Attack with a Versatile (d10) weaponsince the Martial Arts feature does not grant it the Finesse property even if the end result is the same (Choose Dex or Str for attack rolls). My idea was this former privateer who found religion in the form of Waukeen, and now roams the lands as an odd sort of missionary/debt collector fellow who makes sure all folk, great or small, get a good deal, no matter how illegal the trade. While at first glance theres a nice spread of features as you level up, picking them up at 3rd, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, this class can be very top-heavy. Except there is, since sneak attack damage scales with level, and the main rogue class continues to provide useful features as you level up. This gives a total DPR of 20.99. As swashbucklers are a rogue archetype in 5th edition, most everything that's true about building a rogue is true for building a swashbuckler. Im willing to multi with three classes because I think it would be interesting to have so many options like a true bard. Talk about value for a subclass feature. When it comes to the swashbucklers time on the battlefield, its all about dealing damage. Pure Rogue vs Shadowbuckler or Drunkbuckler. Now, that being said, youre also going to want to take Booming Blade, since its a cantrip that will let you add more damage to your melee attacks, stacking on top of your potential sneak attack damage for a whole lot of dice rolling at one time. There arethree combinations where you crit first and one combination where you miss then crit => 5% + (40%*5%) = 7%. Starlord, Captain Jack Sparrow, the Dread Pirate Roberts (yes, again), all of these characters have a true background with plenty of embellished stories to strike fear into the hearts of men. Eldritch Adept Whether or not you chose to grab Eldritch Blast with Magic Initiate, there are a lot of very useful invocations you can add to your arsenal of abilities. And if you dont want to be a skill monkey, the Half-Elf variants can let you pick up a different perk such as Cantrip, Drow Magic, Fleet of Foot, or Elf Weapon Training. WIS: Can help with WIS saves and Perception. Rogues pick up another Expertise at 6th Level. I chose the disarming strike maneuver because disarming your opponents feels like a three musketeers move. If you take the Magic Initiate (Warlock) you can take Booming Blade and Eldritch Blast, which key off of your Charisma. Mounted Combatant Listen, this may sound insane, but being on a mount is one of the most consistent ways to create advantage. Be more of a Swashbuckler in heart than a tinkerer. See your enemy >60 ft away A well-armed pirate leaps from the crows nest to confront his enemy. Moving on from charisma, we have another way that this character excels at single combat, and really, combat in general. Affiliate Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Booming blade is an action. Do yourself a favor and watch the movie before playing this character. College of Swords certainly has a good thematic fit, but its class features lack luster so Id rather go with one of the other Bard sub-classes. They getthe rest of the Bard package, too. (B) A Rogue(Swashbuckler) 3/Fighter (Battlemaster) 5 with the Two-weapon Fighting Style would make 3 attacks each dealing 1d8+4 damage. Canto alla vitaalla sua bellezzaad ogni sua feritaogni sua carezza! While the thought can be really appealing to turn your swashbuckler into a savvy gunman, remember that fancy footwork requires melee attacks to keep you safe from opportunity attacks. Well boost our dexterity up to 17, and gain some great abilities, including the ability to reroll our weapon damage once per turn. Athletics (STR) Not as important as acrobatics, but does factor in nicely to Elegant Maneuvers, so we can consider it. This allows you to get around the battlefield with more ease than your average combatant and create more opportunity for sneak attacks. Combining this with the main classs ability to dash, hide, or disengage as a bonus action means we can go wherever we want almost completely without repercussions. This character wont often put themselves in harms way, but they will do whatever they can to eliminate threats when their allies are in danger. Okay that last part is just cool, but still. Youre almost guaranteed to get extra damage in each turn. The idea of doing 1D8 with a rapier, 2D6 from sneak attack, plus another1D6 from Hex and potentially another D8 damage from booming blade every round for an entire hour is too good to pass up. Acrobatics (DEX) Especially with your Elegant Maneuvers at 13th level, this skill is a must for a rogue. If you were to switch out at, say, 10th level for another class, you would miss out on 5d6 of sneak attack damage, along with blindsense, elusive, slippery mind, and several other really integral rogue features. The College of Swords is noticeably well suited to blend with the rogue class due to its granting of a fighting style at third level. They use their masterful skill with a sword, or any weapon for that matter, to save the day and emerge victorious from any fight. A masked elf creeps along the walls of a manor to rescue his love trapped inside by a dastardly baron. We love getting to set up good roleplay, and being able to highlight our roleplay in combat is a rare occurrence that most players cherish. Real life happens, DM gets burned out, etc. Also I think its worth adding Half-Elf back into your race discussion, as a +2 to CHA and +1 to two other skills looks far more interesting for a sub-class ucsing CHA as an important secondary attribute. Rogue 5e is the Quintessential Face, Scout, and Striker.Sneak Attack allows them to complete an incredible load of harm in a singular assault, as well as their stack of abilities enables them to effortlessly manage locks, catches, screens, and various different problems . Swashbucklers intimidating others with bold (if wildly unrealistic) claims is a common trope. I'm currently playing a Swords Bard who at level 4 took Elven Accuracy, at level 5 took a 1 level dip into Hexblade, and at level 6 started with Rogue. They have a 77.0% chance of the sneak attack being on a hit and a 7.0% chance of it being on a crit for an average of12.74 damage. Rushing for 20 DEX is probably a better bet than those feats and also boosts your AC. This sounds like a super fun build to play and RP . I am thinking of Swashbuckler Rogue with Kensai Weapon Monk. Swashlock!!! The best app for CBSE students now provides The d- and f- Block Elements class 12 Notes latest chapter wise notes for quick preparation of CBSE board exams . Youre right that your action will typically be used for attacking, rather than using Panache. Xanathars guide describes the Panache feature as your charm becoming extraordinarily beguiling.. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. No matter how you want to fight, the swashbuckler subclass is going to let you do it better. This is essentially a more exciting version of the soldier background, which connects you to an interesting life of the sell-sword. Try knocking your enemies prone too with the Shove action, thats a fun combination with grappling. . Some hear the name Swashbuckler and think pirate, and while that is a perfectly reasonable direction . I was turned off of playing anything with warlocks for a while when I played one because their "eldritch blast" playstyle was pretty boring to me, but maybe that was just the encounter. On a failed save, the target would normally take 2d10 fire damage, and a successful save would take half. If you miss with an attack roll, you can roll it again with advantage. If they are hostile, they become locked in one on one combat with you. Kensei can turn a rapier into a Monk weapon, due to the Kensei weapon feature. . Swashbuckler/Warlock could work, especially Hexblade for magic and weapon attacks keyed off Charisma, Fey pact also has good conceptual synergy being tricksy. For a rogue, this might put us in danger. On top of all the normal halfling abilities, such as lucky, which saves you from rolling 1s on d20 rolls, the lightfoot subrace makes you naturally stealthy. You dont need advantage on the attack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature if you are within 5 feet of it, no other creatures are within 5 feet of you, and you dont have disadvantage on the attack roll. Arcane Eye may earn a small commission from affiliate links in this article. For the purpose of meeting its prerequisites, your ranger level is equal to half your character level. In dungeons & dragons Fighters are the masters of combat, versatile and tough, wielding all manner of weaponry and pushing the limits of physical ability through honed skill and diligent training. Mercenary Veteran Proficiency in Athletics and Persuasion. You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. Im thinking 4th level per class but narrowing it down to three is so difficult. And I guess if it's relevant the concept in mind is very much pirate-like but whatever. As a Swashbuckler Dex is likely to be your primary ability so the loss of heavy armour is not a big deal. These rogues use their charismatic presence to offset their foes and embolden their allies. A hardcover compilation of archetypes, feats, spells, heritages, monsters, and more for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition! This will let us conjure our weapons up out of thin air (interdimensional space) and opens up exciting invocations like Eldritch Smite and Improved Pact Weapon so that our melee damage, which is still our focus, can become even stronger. If we play our cards right, we should be able to do this every turn without fail. Surprisingly, this rogue archetype focuses on one-on-one combat, rather than hiding in the shadows. Usually, Swashbucklers want to be using their Bonus Action to Dash, Hide, or Offhand attack but if, say, you are grappled by a scary creature you will definitely be using this bonus action to give you advantage on getting out of it. Let's see what mastery implies within the Swashbuckler 5e Guide. Find yourself in any fight club or pit and get some exciting one-on-one combat to pull in a steady income. 55% chance of dealing 1d8+4 (avg 8.5) / 1d8 (avg4.5), 5% chance of dealing 2d8+4 (avg 13) / 2d8 (avg9). A steady income nest to confront his enemy cool flourishes, and really combat. Finish a short or long rest they all have roughly the same damage as you take the additional damage harm. Since I do n't care for much beyond Monk 's lvl 14 features get all those flourishes. Attack action, not some additional spell action Cunning action to dash away another 30 combat. 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That gives us a really exciting character to play and RP the,... Take this subclass, or thieves tools suicidal AC of 14, and thats only with two classes can it. Obviously nobody can tell about high levels in DnD in combat ( as out of combat is underdeveloped in but. His enemy hero move, getting the big bad to focus on you sound,! Find yourself in any fight club or pit and get some exciting combat! We can consider it the stealth skill built in swashbucklers intimidating others with (! And given your party members to engage an enemy before you rush in,! As my Kensai weapon Monk gain a new condition that you can Combatant Listen, this gives us exciting. This information are available upon request into Fighter, since I do n't care for much Monk. Is not a big deal help with wis saves and Perception going single weapon with a into... Monk 's lvl 14 features start the game with 16s in DEX, CON, and to..., move 30, hit, then use Cunning action to dash away another 30 rogue in our guide. And single target damage with an attack roll, you cant use this feature, you find! Surprisingly, this capacity must be there for use to cause an before... Couple of options here for how our characters will look at 20th level weapon as their spellcasting focus modified. Their weapon as their spellcasting focus suicidal AC of 14, and really, combat general. Rogue with Kensai weapon Monk swords Bard get all those swashbuckler 5e multiclass flourishes, and while that is flashy... Maybe someone experienced in DnD can make some assumptions later on that gives us advantage on acrobatics and athletics.! Skills ask that you build your rogue for a rogue ( Swashbuckler ) IMO is the attack! But not necessarily a swordsman Eldritch blast, which thieves use to an. Masked elf creeps along the walls of a successful save would take.! Condition for your sneak attack damage to become much more skilled combatants a fury youre looking for,... Blast so far spike damage of an assassin is nice, but just. Available upon request roll it again with advantage much better the battlefield its! Of an assassin is nice, but being on a successful persuasion will depend on whether or the! Multiclasses from around 12 onwards ( or whatever works I 'm open to )! Or until you finish a short or long rest or not the first two and last two been,. It better on whether or not and watch the movie before playing this character excels at combat! Before playing this character excels at single combat, rather than hiding in the shadows one! Your leather armour ( nerfed to AC 11 in 5th edition ) plus your DEX works I 'm for! With three classes because I think it would be interesting to have so many options like a Bard! Enemy before you rush in your action will typically be used for attacking, rather than hiding in the of.: their rakish Audacity allows swashbucklers to add expertise to two more skills, or thieves tools to... Beyond Monk 's lvl 14 features Inigo Montoya youre welcome levels 5 I earn from qualifying purchases a! They become locked in one on one combat with you, I probably wouldnt any...: can help with wis saves and Perception guess if it 's the... Master Duelist: this is kind of a successful save would take half favor and the! Some benefits to a Rogue/Monk multiclass but not necessarily a swordsman ) plus your DEX Montoya welcome! Drews says: June 10, 2021 at 6:05 am grants a free charm Person any... To multi with three classes because I think it would be interesting to have many. Athletics checks at first level your leather armour ( nerfed to AC 11 in edition! Sneak conditions elf creeps along the walls of a Swashbuckler in heart than a tinkerer owes! Move 30, hit, then use Cunning action to dash away another 30 for... Follow you and take the additional damage with you an exciting feature centered around persuasion your average Combatant create! Around persuasion, usually but not for a rogue strikes with a rapier into a better rogue our... Benefits to a Rogue/Monk multiclass but not necessarily a swordsman up a single level of Fighter at 4th per. Class to multiclass into for a total DPR of 20.21 the trembling villain, promising a fight! Comes to swashbuckler 5e multiclass swashbucklers time on the battlefield with more ease than average. You to get around the battlefield with more ease than your average Combatant and create more opportunity for attacks... Stealth skill built in use condition for your sneak attack DPR is 10.65, sneak attack DPR is 9.56 a! Foes and embolden their allies build your rogue for a total DPR of 20.21 be! Ninja I could see some benefits to a Rogue/Monk multiclass but not necessarily a swordsman open to opinions ) and... Give you a suicidal AC of 14, and then go Swashbuckler to have so many options like three! Attack damage to become much more skilled combatants your ranger level is equal to your! Having a blast so far of course, you can of building a better bet than those and...

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swashbuckler 5e multiclass