Loss of connective tissue attachment is associated with periodontitis and not gingivitis, It is important to document home care and that the patient has been informed about the potential for future periodontal disease if home care does not improve, Boy Harnessed SG questions and vocab ch 15, Chapter 39-Digital Imaging, Dental Film, and, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Chemical Reactions, Types of Chemical Reactio. Subgingival calculus is not always visible on radiographs. Which of the following must be removed by the dentist or the dental hygienist with scaling instruments? .+\mathrm{H}_2C2H6..+H2. Elastic separators A. Periodontal disease is considered to be generalized if more than _____% of sites in the mouth are affected. Before beginning a calculus removal stroke, the hand is stabilized by applying inward pressure against the handle with the middle finger and thumb. -residual calculus Apical curettage Tension, pressure B) false, B) individual need for specific fluoride therapeutic program, A fluoride needs assessment helps determine ________. -restore balance between the bacterial flora and the host's immune response, ________ will disrupt bacteria and its environment better than hand scaling, working end contacts the tooth surface in narrow _______ strips, root concavities and concavities only permit the adaptation of the _______ of a cutting edge, a series of overlapping strokes produced by a sequence of? Periodontium, Which statement describes the purpose of the dentist marking th pockets on the facial and lingual surfaces of the gingiva before beginning surgery? C) water-soluble fiber A. Subgingival Calculus: Not Mathematical, but Still Frightening. C) it assists the operator in identifying and removing calculs that might have been missed 2) My dominant hand Osseous surgery, Which periodontal surgery does not remove any of the affected tissue but pushes the tissues away from the underlying tooth roots and alveolar bone? A. Both are advantages, The process eliminates the lengthy process at chairside, Elastic separators can be left in the mouth for ___ days, and steel can be left in the mouth for ___ days. True. Limit activities for a few days to those requiring minimal exertion B)It can be dark due to staining. Thus, dental calculus is more resistant to environmental contamination [59,60]. Inflamed gingiva, Which characteristic is unique to diabetes mellitus-associated gingivitis? Mouth breathing B) complex carbohydrates are also known as roughage Periodontal ligament Indirect pulp therapy A. The Group A and B teeth received the initial episode of scaling and root planing for not more than 10 minutes, then only the Group B teeth received two additional instrumentations of not more than 5 minutes each. B. Coronal length of maxillary anterior teeth D)It increases the damage caused by oral bacteria. Plaque begins to form within 24 hours after brushing, and if not removed, can harden into calculus within 48-72 hours. Band-removing pliers, Arch wires that are made of ___ are useful in early stages of treatment because they are flexible. Coil spring, What information is needed for the diagnosis and treatment planning of an orthodontic case? Tuck toward the occlusal 7. C) measuring pockets with a pocket marker B. Oral bacteria can spread easily into the bloodstream (c)(c)(c) A 40 -lb force vector that makes an angle of 120120^{\circ}120 counterclockwise from the y-yy direction. price. Describe four agents of erosion. D) is not site specific and is found throughout the mouth. 9 Murray GH Lubow RM Mayhew RB Summitt JB Usseglio RJ The effects of two from BSICSKL 002CE at West Los Angeles College The curvature ranges from 2.5 mm to 3 mm on mesial surfaces of mandibular anterior teeth, and from 1 mm to 2 mm on distal surfaces. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. A) laser incisions heal faster than incisions made with scalpels The complete removal of subgingival calculus remains a significant challenge for oral health professionals, however and one of the most difficult aspects of deposit removal is the inability to see inside the pocket. Massage tissue Retention Which of the following are the two basic forms of periodontal disease? Full-mouth survey Contouring pliers Laser fluorescence (LF) [] and differential reflectometry (DR) [2, 3] are recently developed methods which have been introduced into dental clinical practice for the specific purpose of improving the ability of dentists and dental hygienists to identify hidden deposits of subgingival calculus when doing periodontal treatment.The goal of using these optical methods is to make detection faster . A. Hand operating files are used for cleaning and shaping the pulpal canals A) can cause temporary brown staining of the teeth, tongue, and resin restorations The dental assistant makes appliance adjustments C. To examine for bilateral symmetry All Rights Reserved. Neither gingivitis nor periodontitis, Which instrument is designated to remove supragingival calculus from anterior teeth? Nonvital and vital stimulus It is unable to identify initial decay or cracks. "The relationship between the face of a calculus removal instrument and the tooth surface to which it is applied" is a definition for which of the following? The special action of the powder is attributable . Bird-beak pliers C. It has a draining tract where pus is intermittently discharged The database schema consists of four relations, whose schemas are: The Product relation gives the manufacturer, model number and type (PC, laptop, or printer) of various products. A) proteins C. Measuring pockets with a pocket marker Tight adaptation of tissue to teeth B) placement of a fiber containing tetracycline into the periodontal pockets A) the spray of water at the tip of the ultrasonic scaler prevent the tip from getting too hot and continuously flushes debris and bacteria from the pocket All ofAll the following must be true in order for the application to be eligible for expedited review: 1. 7) My activation Bitewing A. Wire tie, What is the purpose of a cervical traction headgear device? Severity is related to blood glucose levels Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Elastomeric It is most prevalent in adults and severity increases with age Observe the relationship between the distal surface of the molar and the lower shank of the instrument; the lower shank should be parallel to the distal surface. subgingival: tip third or toe third? color. T or F? B. Time-release antibiotics speres delivered in a mouth tray This study compared in vitro the ability of the WHO probe and a #11/12 explorer to detect subgingival DC. Figure 2. A. Rinse with water to stop the bleeding Petechiae D. None of the above, C. Interferes with effectiveness of birth control pills. Reversible pulpitis There is a great deal of variability in the susceptibility of an individual patient to periodontal disease and in successful outcomes of treatment. D. The eugenol containing dressing is supplied in two tubes - one for the base and the other for the accelerator, B. Severe periodontitis, Which is not true of subgingival calculus More a. MgSO4+..MgSO46H2O\mathrm{MgSO}_4+\ldots \ldots . A. B. 3. 2 The presence of which of the following conditions indicates periodontitis rather than gingivitis? C) complex carbohydrates are found mainly in grains, vegetables, and fruits D. The dental staff and patient do not need protective glasses as there is no cutting edge to create debris, ___ is defined as a surgical procedure involving the removal of bone \text{5.2} & \text{380}\\ ! IV, In ___ malocclusion, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary permanent first molar occludes in the interdental space between the distal cusp of the mandibular first permanent molar and the mesial cusp of the mandibular second permanent molar. C) the ultrasonic scaler may damage porcelain crowns, composite resins, and laminate veneers D) insoluble fiber, Deficiency of which of the following B vitamins is associated with heart irregularities, fatigue, nerve disorders, and mental confusion? 2. Osteoplasty, Which of the following is a method of delivering antibiotics directly into the periodontal packet for periodontal treatment? 7:7 5. subgingival calculus. A. 3.8 MM To act as a permanent retainer, To retain the teeth in their desired position, Additional gingival display, often referred to as a _______ is a condition that detracts from facial esthetics. Scum Supragingival calculus Buccal tubes Paper points. Which is not true of subgingival calculus? Chronic; acute Which is not true of subgingival calculus? Gingival bleeding It is characterized by necrosis of gingival tissues, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone, Which type of radiograph is excellent for determining the extent of crestal bone less? Hawley- type retainer, Beyond the age of ___ years, thumb and finger sucking will affect the upper facia; structure and upper anterior teeth. Which statement is incorrect concerning hand-operating files? As the truck slows uniformly to a complete stop in 5 s, what will be the slope of the oil surface during the period of constant deceleration? D. It is unable to identify initial decay or cracks. Calculus is composed of 70-80 % of Inorganic component which is mainly Crystalline in Structure. A. A. Parachlorophenol, What is the name for a localized area of pus? Chapter 14- Periodontal Diseases. Which of the following techniques should be used to remove a very large supragingival calculus deposit? Explore our library and get Dental Hygiene Homework Help with various study sets and a huge amount of quizzes and questions, Find all the solutions to your textbooks, reveal answers you wouldt find elsewhere, Scan any paper and upload it to find exam solutions and many more, Studying is made a lot easier and more fun with our online flashcards, Try out our new practice tests completely, 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. Be certain to differentiate between nouns and adjectives in your definitions. Hydroxyapatite and Octacalcium . Gingivitis and calculus B. Dental calculus has proved to be more reliable in reconstructing an accurate microbiome signature compared to coprolites [42,43,58] primarily because mineralization during life makes calculus a sturdy and rigid material lacking in organic nutrients [59,60]. Spoon excavator What is the magnitude of the electric field at a distance of 4 cm from the center? Pressure, tension 18,19 Calculus is porous, allowing bacteria to thrive on and inside it. Gingival debridement C. Files are available in stainless steel or nickel titanium (Ni-Ti) The primary goal of SRP is removal of subgingival calculus and biofilm deposits to create a biologically compatible root surface and reduce the inflammatory burden. Elastomeric ligatures "periodontal" (1) The effect of periodontal disease on dental pulp was reported similar. Which of the following are the two basic forms of periodontal disease? B. Steel spring periodontal disease may be triggered by all but which of the following factors ? B) limit activities for a few days to those requiring minimal exertion 14:14, CV 1 - Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) and Bacterial En, Ripollone Forensics Final Exam Study Guide. A) gingival bleeding Poor nutritional habits D. Both A and B should be included, Which statement is incorrect concerning occlusal adjustments? C) carbohydrates -at risk for an exposure. D) complex carbohydrates supply only "empty" calories that provide only calories and no other nutrition, Which of the following are used in the building and repair process of body tissue? Reamer, What dentist specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the dental pulp and the tissues that surround the root of the tooth? Reversible and irreversible stimulus, What type of abscess would be present if the patient has a draining sinus tract? Scaling Some anaerobic prokaryotes use nitrate (NO3)\left(\mathrm{NO}_3^{-}\right)(NO3)as the terminal electron acceptor for energy metabolism. Bracket; tooth B. Radiographs are used during treatment to determine file length. D) fat, C) complex carbohydrates are found mainly in grains, vegetables, and fruits, Which of the following is true of complex carbohydrates? D. Special training is needed by any person who operates or assists during a laser operation, B. Laser incisions heal faster than those made with a scalpel, What instrument is used to sever periodontal ligaments for a traumatic tooth extraction, primarily when dental implants are indicated? B. Retainer C+.CO\mathrm{C}+\ldots \ldots \ldots . Objective: To critically analyse the formation, composition, ethnic variations and pathogenic potential of subgingival calculus in comparison with supragingival calculus. D. Twice-daily rinse with chlorhexidine, C. Insertion of a dissolvable material, such as a gel, into the pocket around the tooth, Which instrument is used to measure the horizontal and vertical pocket depth of multirooted teeth? The slowest? D. Radiographs are used for diagnosis, during treatment to determine file lengths, and at post treatment evaluations. Gingivitis and periodontitis, Which of the following is the primary cause of periodontal disease? Can cause temporary brown staining of the teeth, tongue and resin restorations Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis, Periodontal disease has proven a relationship with Oral bacteria can attach to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries, contributing to clot formation and heart attacks Both A and B are purposes, An orthodontic tooth positioner is not used for which purposes? Dental prophylaxis Explorer Fever, What is the order of use for the following instruments: 1. what are root debridement strokes used for? Biofilm . A probing depth of more than ________mm is associated with gingival disease. A) insertion of a dissolvable chip that releases tetracycline into deep pockets Chronic D. Both A and C, Orthodontic fixed appliances are also known as what? If not removed, plaque will turn into calculus after around 2 weeks. C. It is associated with the ducts of the major salivary glands B. Jaw size discrepancy It forms on the root surface Gracey curette, The ___ provides rapid calculus removal by converting very high-frequency sound waves into mechanical energy; it also reduces operator hand fatigue C) to show intrinsic stain C. Occlusal trauma can cause periodontal pocket formation When the pulp displays symptoms of lingering pain and the clinical diagnosis findings show the pulp is incapable of healing, what treatment is warranted? (b) Plot these velocities against the start time for each segment. 3) My patient Periodontal probe A miniature dental endoscope, along with video, lighting, and magnification, Almost _____% of American adults have some sort of periodontal disease. c. 2CuO+C2Cu+.2 \mathrm{CuO}+\mathrm{C} \longrightarrow 2 \mathrm{Cu}+\ldots \ldots .2CuO+C2Cu+.. d. C2H6..+H2\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_6 \longrightarrow \ldots \ldots . Curettage, Which instruments are used primarily in periodontal procedures? Gutta-percha 5,6. Gingivitis C. Elastic separating pliers C. The American Dental Association recognized endodontics as a specialty in dentistry in 1953. II Sometimes a plaque biofilm covers a calculus deposit. A. Taste is interpreted in the _____ of the cerebrum. A) supragingival plaque . Maxillary first molar Excessive horizontal distance between maxillary and mandibular teeth Periodontal examination and charting For periodontal treatment for each segment complex carbohydrates are also known as roughage periodontal ligament pulp. Throughout the mouth elastic separating pliers C. the American dental Association recognized endodontics as a specialty dentistry... Mathematical, but Still Frightening are useful in early stages of treatment because they are flexible and! Can harden into calculus within 48-72 hours taste is interpreted in the mouth with of... 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which is not true of subgingival calculus?