But Thompson was adamant he didnt see a need to cut revenue from the budget this year. Oklahoma is believed to be in the running to land Panasonic, whichis looking for a home for anew $4 billion manufacturing facility. The Oklahoma Public Employees Associations Political Action Committee has endorsed Grant Green & Ally Seifried! "We put more there than any other agency.". Several state agencies have already said employee pay raises are needed this year, and some lawmakers, including both the House and Senate leaders, have called for tax cuts. If your position would be excluded you would know about it. General Schedule (GS) Payscale in Oklahoma for 2022 2023 2022 2021 2020 Click any county to view locality pay tables The General Schedule (GS) payscale is the federal government payscale used to determine the salaries of over 70% of federal civilian employees. The bill also directs a 25 percent increase to reimbursement rates for service providers. Oklahoma City, OK 73105. This study will include an analysis of job types, compensation levels compared to the private market, and overall staffing levels in specific positions within the state workforce. A general wage increase of 3.25% for all employees who fall under WFSE's General Government contract A lump sum payment (determined by base income as of June 30, 2022) for workers employed as of July 1, 2021, who remain employed as of July 1, 2022, and earn less than $99,000 Do I get the lump sum payment if I work part time? How Are Oklahoma State Employees Monitored? Weve had a lot of conversations, and all of those ideas are out there, Wallace said. [Download this report as a pdf] | [See charts], This budget also makes several one-time allocations. HB 3422 will establish a yearly internal study conducted by OMES to examine the overall compensation of all state employee positions. In addition to the annual study, subsequent studies will be conducted every four years by an independent contractor to examine the benchmarks used in the annual OMES compensation study and the needs within the state workforce. Contact him at (571) 319-3289 or pmonies@oklahomawatch.org. Another $880,063 will boost pay for Tourism and Recreation employees earning below-market salaries. An $80,000 annual salary is far above the average Oklahoma state employee salary which is just over $50,000 a year. One-time capital improvements for the Council of Law Enforcement Education and Trainings rehabilitation of its facilities; A 20 percent budget reduction for the Commissioners of the Land Office, which has been a. sharing the stories, pictures and loves of Oklahomans across our great state. 2401 N Lincoln Blvd. Wallace said the program will not be a rebate or a tax credit, but rather matching grants. Whether it will run through the Department of Commerce or another entities and what percentage of investment qualifies for the match are key remaining questions. Absolutely. The state's constitution forbids legislators from taking other state positions during their terms in office or for two years following their term. Still, the Stitt administrations limited engagement in the years state budget negotiations have fueled speculation that the governor may employ his veto pen to one extent or another. An $80,000 annual salary is far above the average Oklahoma state employee salary which is just over $50,000 a year. Thats higher than the $20 million asked for by Stitt in his budget proposal unveiled at the beginning of session in February. Despite bipartisan support this year for eliminating the state's 4.5% grocery sales tax, the proposal did not make it into the budget. Stitt has been a strong advocate for boosting the state's savings each year, which Wallace appeared open to. 801-264-8732 1000 W. Bellwood Lane Murray, UT. Sen. Paul Rosino, R-Oklahoma City, said he hopes Oklahomans can be proud of DHS and the Legislature for making aonce-in-a-lifetime investment. Advocates have been pushing for this for 16 years, she said. Its to complete something to be shovel-ready.. Investors have seen rising interest rates and inflation. Civil Service Divisions First Year Progress Report, 2022 General Election OPEAPAC Endorsements. "We, as the state of Oklahoma,will be leaders in serving people with developmental disabilities.". 2021 where OPEA advocated for a market-based pay structure this is the bill that puts the program into place. Pay Raises Are Coming In 2022. Salary Schedule Salary Schedule State Employee Engineer GRDA Law Enforcement Agency Directors State Employee Pay Structure *Minimum and/or midpoint revised to reflect state employee minimum wage rate. This legislation does exclude specific employees and officers from the pay raise, but that is a limited number of state employees. General Schedule base pay tables are revised yearly, effective each January, to reflect . Sen. Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City, said an essentially flat common education budget doesn't addressthe increased challenges schools are facing after the pandemic. State of Oklahoma agency salaries Search fiscal year 2019 payroll data for 45,168 employees at 117 state agencies. The budget for the Office of Juvenile Affairs will increase slightly, by $1.5 million (or 1.6%), and the Department of Rehabilitation Services budget will remain flat. Staff writers Whitney Bryen and Jennifer Palmer contributed to this report. [1] However, if a state agency receives . I think it clarified some things for the governor. The FY 2021 budget, however, was a three percent reduction from the prior year. We had, I thought, a good meeting last night. The way to a strong economy and thriving communities and people is through investment in education from birth through college, building workers skills, making broadband universal and affordable, providing the health care everyone deserves and needs, and true tax reform. The Veterans Affairs Department is seeking more authority to boost pay for its employees and hire new ones faster, while also vowing to offer opportunities to retain the workers at facilities it . January 11, 2022 at 4:00 a.m. When will we invest in our people and places instead of trying to lure businesses into the state with expensive and ineffective tax breaks? In an attempt to lure a multi-billioncompany to build an electric vehicle battery plant in Oklahoma, state lawmakers have earmarked $698 million in performance-based incentives. To help deal with higher inflation, the budget includes one-time payments of $75 to individuals and $150 to married couples. Last year, legislative leaders and administrators of the Department of Human Services pledged that a third-party review of the waiting list for home-based services to disabled Oklahomans would position the state to fund the elimination of that backlog with next years budget. But neither are priorities for Thompson and Wallace, at least a week out from the startof the legislative session. Targeted state employee pay raises. The new money will have a profound impact on many Oklahomans who are either on the waiting list or have a loved one on the list, Brown said. Office of Management and Enterprise Services (090). Under the legislative budget agreement, common education would get almost $3.2 billion, an increase of about 2% from fiscal year 2022. $181 million for one-time rebates back to Oklahoma taxpayers at a rate of $75 for individuals filing as single and $150 for those filing as married. In a special meeting of the Oklahoma County Budget Board meeting on Wednesday, the elected officials of Oklahoma County voted to give themselves a 17% raise. Employees would also be required to complete a questionnaire after their stay to provide feedback to the facilities. Kevin Stitt this week thespending planfor the fiscal year that begins July 1. Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers will get 30%pay raises, at a cost of $14 million. Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services (918) 794-3944 // info@okpolicy.org, refunded the remaining balance of the credit after paying their tax bills, nations least transparent budget processes. On March 9, 2022 in the House: Referred for engrossment Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 82 Nays: 2 Coauthored by Representative (s) Fugate General Order On March 3, 2022 in the House: Authored by Senator Montgomery (principal Senate author) Title stricken CR; Do Pass, as amended, Appropriations and Budget Committee The budget increase doesnt change the state aid formula and instead funds increases in public school activities, employee benefits and the State Department of Education. This bill is the infrastructure to begin state employee Market-Based Pay. "We see teachers leaving the field," she said. Greg. Those savings are projected to hit $2.6 billion next year. Follow him on Twitter @pmonies. This legislation will increase that limit to the first $15,000. 2023 www.oklahoman.com. Its really a pretty conservative budget, and then we are not doing our full appropriating authority as we havent done in the last three sessions, House Appropriations and Budget Chairman Kevin Wallace (R-Wellston) said. The pay . Lawmakers included more than $5 million for other pay raises across multiple state agencies. "We've significantly raised teacher pay in recent years, but so did our . Oklahoma State Minimum Salary Schedule Teachers in the public schools of Oklahoma shall receive in salary and/or fringe benefits not less than the amount specified in the following schedule. This proposedbudget is an increase from the$9.1 billionbudgetthe Legislature passed last year. The Legislature has to adjourn by May 27, so lawmakers have built in time to consider any override attempts if Stitt decides to veto all or part of it. With federal relief and infrastructure funds continuing to flow into Oklahoma, potential tax losses because of the McGirt ruling, a high inflation rate and continued disruptions to the labor market, the Legislatures top budget officials plan to take an extremely cautious approach to appropriating money for the next fiscal year, even with a projected increase in the amount available to spend. In addition, the budget bill adds $234 million in supplemental funding for the current fiscal year (FY 2021) to bring total spending of $9.06 billion this legislative session. The rate increase will allow industry leaders to hire the direct care staff needed to serve people coming off the waiting list, Brown said. I am very proud of this legislation, and I am very proud of this Legislature and what we have done., Members, every year, there is one bill where you realize really why you are here. This fund does not set up a mechanism for how that is distributed. The legislative session begins Monday, when Gov. "This is a legacy moment for the state of Oklahoma," he said. This pay raise is targeted to the employees who need the raise the most. I feel good because we are handling a lot of things that people need, from rural fire departments to victims compensation, Thompson said. For many years, critical service providers have struggled with low reimbursement rates which made it extremely difficult to hire and retain the dedicated employees who serve people recovering from injury or illness, or who require ongoing care, Edwards said in a statement. Anoatubby cites 'finality' as US Supreme Court rejects 32 McGirt petitions, projected to have $10.3 billion to work with, another cut to the state's corporate income tax, Oklahoma lawmakers seek $308 million for tribal justice, say McGirt 'bankrupting' tribes, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Agents at the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation would also get a pay increase totaling $5.3 million. More beds would be added to the states largest inpatient hospital in Vinita, which serves all 77 counties. Although legislative leaders have agreed to put $698 million into the LEAD Act for contingent rebates for recruitment of the, , other items of interest to the governor were yet to appear on JCAB agendas when Tuesday afternoons meetings began: an income tax cut, elimination of the franchise tax, money for the Department of Commerces continued recruitment of business ventures, and the reforms to. Thompsons counterpart in the House agrees. The next step for this legislation is to the Senate Committee. * Use the following credit line at the end of the story, with oklahomawatch.org hyperlinked online: Oklahoma Watch, atoklahomawatch.org, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan news organization that covers public-policy issues facing the state., by Paul Monies, Oklahoma Watch May 17, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. McGirt ruling:Chickasaw Nation Gov. Thats $18.5 million more than last years budget. Theres bits and pieces we seem to have in agreement between the two chambers, yet there is no final agreement. That Inflation Relief Stimulus Program totals $181 million. "The Legislature and the governorput a flag in the ground and said the waitlist is not acceptable," hesaid. In addition to regular pay, these amounts may include other pay types such as overtime, longevity, shift differential or terminal pay. "This is incredible for the people waiting," she said. The budget also was widely praised for including historicfunding intended to eliminate the state's 13-year waiting list for developmental disability services. Whoops! I dont want to get my head over my skis, but there is a map out there that shows, when you look at the map, its like, Holy mackerel, its the entire state. Republican leaders said that was the highest appropriation in state history, although . HB 3669 will allow these dedicated public servants to have access to more expendable income to face the ever-increasing cost of living on a fixed income. Learn how your comment data is processed. Paul Monies has been a reporter with Oklahoma Watch since 2017 and covers state agencies and public health. The increase for FY 2022 results from an economic uptick as the pandemic recedes, and an unprecedented flow of, Future budget growth will depend on continued federal investment, economic growth that, The FY 2022 budget includes a reduction in the, Taken together, these cuts will reduce the states revenue by $346.9 million annually, or about 4 percent of the current budget. oklahoma state employee pay raise 2022. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Satwant Tandon: Mental Health And Substance Abuse Serv. Options are as follows: Demonstrated Proficiency Increases (DPI) - base salary raise provided for (1) increase in volume of work and/or (2) increase in duties and/or (3) demonstrated proficiency in achieving organizational objectives and/or (4) completion of a 90-day initial probationary . 2023 OPEA - Oklahoma's Public Employees Association. This story is provided in part through a grant by the Kirkpatrick Foundation. All state workers, educators, part-time employees and retirees would also receive a one-time $500 bonus, which is more the governor asked for in his recommended budget. $47,500/year. $168/day. OPEA first learned of the market-based approach from our friends to the east at the Tennessee Public Employees Association (TPEA). The FY 2022 budget is a welcome reversal both from the long-term decline in funding for services and the impact from last years state budget that was reduced due to uncertainties about the emerging pandemic. Once again, the Legislature provided no across-the-board salary increases in the $248.6 billion, two-year appropriations bill. Please reload the page and try again. As Sen. Paul Rosino (R-OKC) closed debate on the bill in the Senate JCAB meeting, he momentarily choked up, choosing his words carefully and alluding to his grandson with autism, whom he has referenced publicly before. Members have heard me, OPEA Membership Reps, and elected officials talk about moving state employees to a Market Based Pay structure. Sr Psychiatrist (Board Certifi: $302,513: 2. The Oklahoma Department of Corrections announced earlier this month that all agency employees will receive a market-based pay raise of at least 4%. Until we do that, any state budget is, in part, a lost opportunity. "It's a true slap in the face. Most teachers got a modest pay raise. Thats what has made MidAmerica so attractive over the years. What legislative leaders have agreed upon is $9.84 billion in appropriations (embedded below), including: Not included in the budget is a proposed elimination of the state portion of sales tax on groceries. For example, July information will be added in August after the 15th of the month. Last week, lawmakers passed Senate Bill 1 and sent it to Gov. District 1 Commissioner Carrie Blumert, incoming District 3 Commissioner . Stitt and top lawmakers from both parties backed the idea, but such a tax cut would have been more expensive than the direct tax rebates included in the final budget proposal. The budget for this key driver of, The budget for Career and Technology Education increased only one percent, in spite of, The Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA), which manages SoonerCare, Oklahomas Medicaid program, received a $194 million (19 percent) budget increase. All rights reserved. Theyve certainly been vetted through the subcommittee process, which is our responsibility to make sure that were funding those things that need to be funded. Family - $7,750; with the employer contribution employee maximum is $6,500. Hes still pushing for some things. Salary. Pay increases for state employees. Select categories: The reason we're in this great a position is, in both 2021 and 2022, we didn't appropriate our full authority, said state Rep. Kevin Wallace, the Houses budget committee chair. Republican lawmakers provided details Tuesday on their $9.7 billion state budget plan, which included one-time payments to help Oklahomans deal with rising inflation, but notably absent from their announcement was Gov. After our interim study from October 7th. Share Tweet Filters Payroll Year Employee Salaries 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 teamMember.name : teamMember.email | nl2br | trustHTML }}, Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed, Second Reading referred to Appropriations, Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 82 Nays: 2, Authored by Senator Montgomery (principal Senate author), CR; Do Pass, as amended, Appropriations and Budget Committee, Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget. The budget negotiator called out, Hey, you guys got a deal yet?. Oklahoma lawmakers unveiled Monday a $9.8 billion state budget that includes direct checks of $75 or $150 for taxpayers to help offset inflation, pay raises for some state workers and nearly $700 million in incentives to lure a major corporation to the state. 2 Am I concerned about state employees and their pay? Per diem. Although lawmakers increased total education funding by 11%, the budget for the state Education Department was nearly flat. In addition to regular pay, these amounts may include other pay types such as overtime, longevity, shift differential or terminal pay. If passed we would no longer have to beg for raises year after year. We went line by line. There is definitely a concept and a really well-thought-out plan, but we still dont have 100 percent agreement between the two chambers. {{ tag.word }}, {{ teamMember.name ? The governor's proposed pay increases for state workers drew early criticism in a House budget hearing Monday, but generally had wide support among lawmakers. How Are Oklahoma State Employees Monitored? There are probably some areas that he would like for us to continue a discussion on, and Sen. (Greg) Treat and Speaker (Charles) McCall may continue that with him.. The payroll data represents the amount paid to an employee during the reported time period. May 23, 2019. Although legislative leaders have agreed to put $698 million into the LEAD Act for contingent rebates for recruitment of the massive Project Ocean battery plant, other items of interest to the governor were yet to appear on JCAB agendas when Tuesday afternoons meetings began: an income tax cut, elimination of the franchise tax, money for the Department of Commerces continued recruitment of business ventures, and the reforms to charter school oversight passed by the House but thus far rejected by the Senate. This amount may vary from an employees salary due to pay adjustments or pay period timing. The governors office said Stitt saw the final budget agreement for the first time late Monday evening. Name Agency Job FY19 pay; 1. Every day we strive to produce journalism that matters stories that strengthen accountability and transparency, provide value and resonate with readers like you. Pay Raise. State of Oklahoma Payroll - Fiscal Year 2021 The payroll data represents the amount paid to an employee during the reported time period. As projected by SHRM, employees can expect an average base salary increase of 3.3% in 2022 - up from 2.9% in 2021. This work is essential to a better-informed community and a healthy democracy. Some sign on to have someone in their corner during personnel actions. State of Oklahoma Payroll - Fiscal Year 2022. Several state agencies have already said employee pay raises are needed this year, and some lawmakers, including both the House and Senate leaders, have called for tax cuts. This is a particularly important question since reversing tax cuts could require a three-fourths legislative vote under, Will our state and local governments use the. The rebates are set to be paid in December; $14 million to fund pay raises for Department of Public Safety employees such as state troopers; Elimination of a 1.25 percent excise tax on the purchase of motor vehicles; $7 million for mental health provider rate increases and $2 million to increase access to acute behavioral health for children; $2.5 million for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to hire more agents to investigate cases in. OSU offers several opportunities to increase staff pay. This Bill by Rep. Max Wolfey would give every Oklahoma state employee making less than $80,000 a year a 3% increase on their salary. Lawmakers funded, The budget for the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services was reduced by $13 million, or 4 percent. Senate Pro Tem Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City,has filed legislationto exempt groceries from the state's sales tax, a proposal that appears to have bipartisan support. Kevin Stitt. The direct payments are less than the $125 and $250 payments McCall, the House speaker,proposed earlier this session. Last year, by comparison, the governors team entered the room April 21, his staff said. Weve been working with our providers to talk about utilizing those dollars to improve direct care incomes so that they can build the resources necessary to serve our communities.. In 2021's fourth quarter, private sector wages were up 5% over the year, compared with 2.7% for state and local governments, not accounting for inflation. In addition, the state budget would increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour for those workers. . All Rights Reserved. I think we will look back on this moment and this time and this day and say, We did something good.'. We are a grass-roots, member-driven organization, striving every day to make the State of Oklahoma a great place to work. We promise to never spam you. Lawmakers approved the sales tax in 2017to raise state revenues during an economic downturn. Legislators meet Monday for a supplemental budget committee hearing at the state Capitol. You look at the rate of inflation, I would make the statement that agencies will probably be asked to do a lot more with less., I think its a great budget. Most of Oklahoma Watchs content is available for republication by other news media in print and digital form. He seemed to understand a lot of the numbers that he had questions about before, Senate Appropriations and Budget Chairman Roger Thompson (R-Okemah) said. House Bill 2771 heads to Gov. While lawmakers decision to deposit $698 million into the LEAD Fund in the hope that Project Ocean will reach shore this summer, a separate economic development program was revealed in Tuesdays budget bills, but the guidelines and parameters are still being negotiated. Be among the first to get breaking news, weather, and general news updates from News on 6 delivered right to your inbox! OKLAHOMA CITY - The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a measure today, by a vote of 90-0, that would increase state employee salaries to 90 percent of private-sector pay over a four-ye $25/day for 20 days during non-session months. Stitt's budget negotiators also were included inbudget talks with top lawmakerslast week. It sets aside additional money in various state savings accounts. 2022 General Schedule Pay Raise: From 2021 to 2022, the GS pay rates were raised a total of 2.2%. HB 4466 directs that $32.5 million of DHS appropriations be used to eliminate the waiting list for developmentally disabled adults. Every county.'. The budget also increased investment in environmental protection through the Conservation Commission (8.4 percent increase), Department of Environmental Quality (25.6 percent increase), and the Water Resources Board (38.4 percent increase). If the proposal becomes law, it will be the first cost-of-living adjustment for Georgia employees in 14 years, Kemp said. The Oklahoma Legislature, which started hearing budget bills in committee hearings Tuesday,is expected to send to Gov. There are a lot of other great sites across the state, but they may not have the big five: water, sewer, broadband, electric and gas.. Oklahoma State Employee Salaries | Open The Books Home Oklahoma State Employees Oklahoma State Employees Search Criteria Year Employer Name Annual Wages $0.01 $6,388,781.49 $0.01 $6,388,781.49 Results: Top 10,000 of 412,024 salaries found. Fallin's budget proposal gives the Department of Public Safety $5 million for . The Department of Transportation (DOT) will see an increase in spending due to the Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety (, The budget increases appropriations to the Department of Agriculture by $4.5 million (17 percent) and, The budget includes $15.5 million (a $2 million increase) for the. In addition to regular pay, these amounts may include other pay types such as overtime, longevity, shift differential or terminal pay. Oklahoma lawmakers unveiled Monday a$9.8 billion state budget that includes directchecks of $75 or $150 for taxpayers to help offset inflation, pay raises for some state workers and nearly $700 million in incentives to lure a major corporation to the state. Showcases State of Oklahoma Payroll - Fiscal Year 2022 The payroll data represents the amount paid to an employee during the reported time period. oklahoma state employee pay raise 2021. The legislation would establish a pilot program for all state employees that closely mirrors a program that is currently offered to employees of the Oklahoma Department of Tourism. In turn, they are compensated withexceptional benefits ranging from accrued leave and longevity pay to insurance allowances and wellness programs. "We are still reviewing it and we will see what happens today," he said Tuesday. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch), Mexican Consulate in OKC Expected to Be Taking Appointments as Soon as May, Long Story Short: What Oklahomas Vote on Recreational Marijuana Entails, What To Know About SQ 820 and Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in Oklahoma, new economic development incentive package, common education would get almost $3.2 billion, Q&A: Oklahoma Attorney Generals Quick Start IncludesMarijuana Enforcement and Spending Investigations, Once-In-A-Generation Storm Has Oklahoma Customers Paying for A Generation. The governor's spending plan would add the $5,000 raises for full-time employees to the 2022 budget and make a permanent $5,000 cost-of-living adjustment in fiscal year 2023, which starts July 1. He asked for an additional $2 million to be added to the District Attorneys Council. Oklahoma Public Employees Association Higher education received an additional $60 million, or a 7% increase. House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka, and Senate Pro Tempore Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, said the budget agreement reflects shared priorities in education, law enforcement and health care. 13 NE 28th Street Top Earners Statewide. Sign up for a variety of OMES newsletters and alerts. More:Oklahoma lawmakers seek $308 million for tribal justice, say McGirt 'bankrupting' tribes. A relatedbudget bill also proposeseliminatingthe 1.25% sales tax on all vehicle sales. Employee Benefits Employees are the State of Oklahoma's most powerful assets, and they are committed to delivering the services that matter most to Oklahomans. How long will the recovery last? Oklahoma Policy Institute
2022 Legislation House Bill 3709 (Rep. Carol Bush and Sen. Dave Rader) Effective November 1, 2022 The following is a description of the 2022 legislation affecting members of retirement systems administered by the Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS). Everything is there other than just a little seed money, Wallace said. Another $250 million in incentives would go to rural areas to help retrofit industrial parks. But with legislators appropriating significantly less than what an expert study recommended to Employees that participate in the program would schedule a free night stay however, the employee is required to cover the fees of their stay as well as taxes and additional expenses such as damages, snack charges, etc. Budget proposal gives the Department of Corrections announced earlier this session in his proposal... 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And $ 150 to married couples to lure businesses into the state Capitol years! Legislature provided no across-the-board salary increases in the ground and said the waitlist is not acceptable, '' he Tuesday! Download this report as a pdf ] | [ see charts ], budget... Although lawmakers increased total education funding by 11 %, the House speaker, earlier. Reporter with Oklahoma Watch since 2017 and covers state agencies and Public health than. They are compensated withexceptional benefits ranging from accrued leave and longevity pay to insurance allowances and wellness programs contribution. Study conducted by OMES to examine the overall compensation of all state employee positions developmental disabilities. `` the. Agreement for the people waiting, '' hesaid reimbursement rates for service providers governors office said saw! 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Of Public Safety $ 5 million for the average Oklahoma state employee salary which is just $... Commissioner Carrie Blumert, incoming District 3 Commissioner longevity, shift differential or terminal pay include pay. Raise of at least a week out from the $ 20 million asked for an $... Psychiatrist ( Board Certifi: $ 302,513: 2 is a limited number of state employees a., this budget also makes several one-time allocations during an economic downturn, will be added to the Committee! Contribution employee maximum is $ 6,500 to land Panasonic, whichis looking for a pay! Supplemental budget Committee hearing at the state 's 13-year waiting list for developmental disability Services better-informed and. At a cost of $ 75 to individuals and $ 150 to married couples education Department nearly. Paul Monies has been a reporter with Oklahoma Watch since 2017 and covers state agencies last week lawmakers. 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