Speer was to be replaced by his subordinate, Karl-Otto Saur. [153] He was well-educated, middle class, and bourgeois, and could contrast himself with those who, in the popular mind, typified "bad Nazis". There's a small road going to the right. Instead, development turned to a "uranium motor", for use in the navy's submarines. [160] This construction was accepted almost at face value by historian Hugh Trevor-Roper when investigating the death of Adolf Hitler for British Intelligence and in writing The Last Days of Hitler. [146] So great was the need to believe this "Speer Myth" that Fest and Siedler were able to strengthen iteven in the face of mounting historical evidence to the contrary. He originally wanted to become a mathematician, but his father advised against the wish, suggesting that he would "lead a life without money, without a position, and . Despite this opposition, the two married in Berlin on 28 August 1928; seven years elapsed before Margarete was invited to stay at her in-laws' home. [177], The armaments "miracle" was a myth; Speer had used statistical manipulation to support his claims. [112], Speer was taken to several internment centres for Nazi officials and interrogated. It is considered to be one of the most detailed descriptions of the inner workings and leadership of Nazi Germany but is controversial because of Speer's lack of discussion of Nazi atrocities and questions regarding . Minister for Armaments. [121] There he was known as Prisoner Number Five. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer (German: [pe] ( listen); March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981) was a German architect who was, for a part of World War II, Minister of Armaments and War Production for the Third Reich. He was able to curtail the discussion that the war should be ended. The family learned of this through some letters Ernst sent. He spent the rest of his life attempting to enhance this image and erase any doubt that he did not participate or know about the Nazi atrocities. The building was able to hold 340,000 people. I thought he was to be relieved quite early from the Kessel, from influence of Albert Speer. [3] Henry T. King, deputy prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials who later wrote a book about Speer said, "Love and warmth were lacking in the household of Speer's youth. like so many other Germans his body was never found or returned to . Once Speer became aware of the existence of the fund, he sent detailed instructions about what to do with the money. [43], During the Chancellery project, the pogrom of Kristallnacht took place. [77] By July 1943, he had gained control of armaments production for the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine. Speer returned to London in 1981 to participate in the BBC Newsnight programme. His sentence of twenty years amounted to 7,305 days, which only allotted one and a half days per book. [113] Speer was indicted on four counts: participating in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of crime against peace; planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace; war crimes; and crimes against humanity. Under his leadership, the Nazis implemented a brutal regime of slave labour in armaments factories across Germany. Ultimately, when their emergence involved the ruin of all his work, Speer accepted the consequences and acted. Albert Speer's account of all his experiences during the war was to me, totally fascinating. [122] Speer's parents died while he was incarcerated. [30] Nuremberg was the site of many official Nazi buildings. [1]:488498,569, Speer's involvement with concentration camp prisoners as a work force came about when Hitler agreed to Himmler's proposal they be used for the secret V-2 project. Albert Speer, Germany Architect. Inside the Third Reich: Directed by Marvin J. Chomsky. [150], He had remained married to his wife, but he had formed a relationship with a German woman living in London and was with her at the time of his death. sent during this battle. [156] Speer took his myth-making to a mass media level and his "cunning apologies" were reproduced frequently in post-war Germany. Labor to build the A4 rockets came from the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp. [53] Speer's offices undertook building work for each branch of the military, and for the SS, using slave labor. His first draft was written from March 1953 to 26 December 1954. Speer was able to have his writings sent to Wolters, however, and they eventually amounted to 20,000 pages. He later published a work about Himmler and the SS which has been published in English as The Slave State: Heinrich Himmler's Masterplan for SS Supremacy or Infiltration: How Heinrich Himmler Schemed to Build an SS Industrial Empire (in German, Der Sklavenstaat - Meine Auseinandersetzung mit der SS). The idea for this myth came to him after he recalled the panic when car fumes came through an air ventilation system. [182], During the war, the Speer-designed Reich Chancellery was largely destroyed by air raids and in the Battle of Berlin. The exterior walls survived, but they were eventually dismantled by the Soviets. "[3], On the other hand, in a 1973 Bryn Mawr College review, Barbara Miller Lane wrote, "Scholars have observed so many gaps in his account of the operation of his ministry as to shed considerable doubt on the whole. [155] Speer even invented his own birth's circumstances, stating falsely that he was born at midday amid crashes of thunder and bells of the nearby Christ Church, whereas it was between three and five o'clock, and the church was built only some years after. shelved 32,158 times. Em 1946, ele foi julgado em Nuremberga e sentenciado a 20 anos de priso por sua participao no regime nazista, principalmente pelo uso de trabalho escravo nos campos de concentrao. Rereading Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich". Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer ( Mannheim, 19. oujka 1905. A lbert Speer was born in 1905 in Mannheim to an upper-middle-class family that had benefited from Germany's meteoric economic growth. [177] The rational position to adopt was to seek a political solution that would end the war without defeat. alberts side and was generally desribed as a wastrel. [42] Shortages of labor meant the construction workers had to work in ten-to-twelve-hour shifts. Speer in response used his propaganda expertise to display a new dynamism of the war economy. Inside the Third Reich (German: Erinnerungen, "Memories") is a memoir written by Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister of Armaments from 1942 to 1945, serving as Adolf Hitler's main architect before this period. [110] After Hitler's death, Speer offered his services to the so-called Flensburg Government, headed by Hitler's successor, Karl Dnitz. Stalingrad was a classic example where he refused to provide the equipment necessary to supply his army on the Eastern front during the terrible winter of 1941. In July1932, the Speers visited Berlin to help out the Party before the Reichstag elections. FRANKFURT Albert Speer Jr., an internationally prominent architect who sought throughout his life to distance himself from the dark legacy of his father, a member of Adolf . Speer described the personalities of many Nazi officials, including Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Gring, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess, Martin Bormann, and, of course, Hitler himself. Speer has paid his penance for his part of the inner circle and had come to the realization of Germany's reality during WWII. Speer's joint undertaking with the SS leadership resulted in the creation of Mittelwerk (Central Works) for underground production of the V-2. He was charged with planning for war, planning a war of aggression, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. Yet development and production would take at least two years. Speer did not act on the request until mid-January 1943. Before that, Speer worked as the chief architect in Hitler's Nazi . [71] Speer and Sauckel cooperated closely to meet Speer's labor demands. This formed a key element of the myths Speer encouraged. [126] In Spandau Diaries, Speer aimed to present himself as a tragic hero who had made a Faustian bargain for which he endured a harsh prison sentence. letters that exist between ernst and the parents which he wrote and He maintained Hitler was cool towards him for the remainder of his life after learning they had included him on a list of potential ministers. Thanks! Finally, Speer states, "Because I failed at the time, I still feel, to this day, responsible for Auschwitz in a wholly personal sense. It was for the maltreatment of these people, that Speer was principally convicted at the Nuremberg Trials. Summary: "Inside the Third Reich is a memoir written by Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister of Armaments from 1942 to 1945, serving as Adolf Hitler's main architect before this period. Then it was too late; Germany had been destroyed. Fordonsmklarna Blocket, Kpop Groups That Start With Y, Arbetsgivardeklaration Individuppgift, What Happened To Katelyn Thornley, Josh Kesselman Net Worth 2020, How To Install Samsung Notes On Huawei, Finland Immigration For Skilled Workers, Albert Speer Brother Stalingrad, Ambulanshelikopter Pilot Ln, Ortopediska Arbetsskor, Raskatter Omplacering, Ekonomi Och Redovisningsassistent . Ernst Speer. [168] Speer also falsely claimed that he had realised the war was lost at an early stage, and thereafter worked to preserve the resources needed for the civilian population's survival. [41] He completed the preliminary work for the new chancellery by May 1936. During his life, he worked on redesigning city centers of . After the war, Speer was among the 24 "major war criminals" arrested and charged with the crimes of the Nazi regime at the Nuremberg trials. Born 1906 [location unknown] Ancestors. [178] The production of armaments did go up; however, this was due to the normal causes of reorganization before Speer came to office, the relentless mobilization of slave labor and a deliberate reduction in the quality of output to favor quantity. Der er bare lige den hage ved Moritz Schramms morfar, at han var den kendte topnazist Albert Speer fra Hitlers inderkreds, og at han i dag anses for at vre en af Anden Verdenskrigs helt store forbrydere. This miracle was brought to a halt in the summer of 1943 by, among other factors, the first sustained Allied bombing. - London, Anglia, 1981. szeptember 1.) His mother died in 1952. It was used for Nazi propaganda rallies and can be seen in Leni Riefenstahl's propaganda film Triumph of the Will. Albert Speer was a German architect famous for his time in the Nazi Party and for his close friendship with Adolf Hitler. Like many of those in power in the Third Reich, he was not an ideologue, "nor was he anything more than an instinctive anti-Semite. [15], In January 1931, Speer applied for Nazi Party membership, and on 1 March 1931, he became member number 474,481. Speer's full length portrait of Hitler has unnerving reality. There was no communication. [165] Trommer said he was not an apolitical technocrat; instead, he was one of the most powerful and unscrupulous leaders in the Nazi regime. Speer cancelled some hours before take-off because the previous night he had been up late in a meeting with Hitler. Many more buildings were planned. A brick factory was built near the Oranienburg concentration camp at Speer's behest; when someone commented on the poor conditions there, Speer stated, "The Yids got used to making bricks while in Egyptian captivity". Speer's desperate mother called Speer . Speer liked the scenario so much that he wrote it into his memoirs. Speer was born in Mannheim, Germany on March 19, 1905, to Luise and Albert. [11] As such, Speer taught some of his classes while continuing his own postgraduate studies. [27], When Troost died on 21 January 1934, Speer effectively replaced him as the Party's chief architect. [67] With Hitler's full agreement, he decided to prioritize tank production, and he was given unrivaled power to ensure success. Hitler commissioned him to design and construct structures including the Reich Chancellery and the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg. [177] He produced spectacular statistics, claiming a sixfold increase in munitions production, a fourfold increase in artillery production, and he sent further propaganda to the newsreels of the country. Sereny gained respect for his sincerity in his personal "battle with truth.". Air attacks on the transport network were particularly effective, as they cut the main centres of production off from essential coal supplies. [120], On 18 July 1947, Speer was transferred to Spandau Prison in Berlin to serve his prison term. [54], In 1941, Speer was elected to the Reichstag from electoral constituency 2 (Berlin-West). Speer joined the National Socialist Party in January 1931; he wrote "I was not choosing the NSDAP, but becoming a follower of Hitler, whose magnetic force had reached out to me the first time I saw him and had not, thereafter, released me." [97] However, he concluded that the war was lost after Soviet forces captured the important Silesian industrial region later that month. [13], In mid-1922, Speer began courting Margarete (Margret) Weber (19051987), the daughter of a successful craftsman who employed 50 workers. The relationship will always amaze. By July 1943 Speer's armaments propaganda became irrelevant because a catalogue of dramatic defeats on the battlefield meant the prospect of losing the war could no longer be hidden from the German public. She was a kind and simple lady, living for her children. The relationship was frowned upon by Speer's class-conscious mother, who felt the Webers were socially inferior. Inside the Third Reich (German: Erinnerungen, "Memories") is a memoir written by Albert Speer, the Nazi Minister of Armaments from 1942 to 1945, serving as Adolf Hitler's main architect before this period. [70], Speer realized that with six million workers drafted into the armed forces, there was a labor shortage in the war economy, and not enough workers for his factories. all Albert Speer wanted was to feel important. Speer was formally arrested on May 23rd. It was to prevent harming his son's budding career that Speer came to not re-enter architecture upon his 1966 release. [48] He also said: " en route to my ministry on the city highway, I could see crowds of people on the platform of nearby Nikolassee Railroad Station. His architectural skills made him increasingly prominent within the Party, and he became a member of Hitler's inner circle. [50], As Germany started World War II in Europe, Speer instituted quick-reaction squads to construct roads or clear away debris; before long, these units would be used to clear bomb sites. Trevor-Roper who calls Speer an administrative genius whose basic instincts were peaceful and constructive does take Speer to task, however, for his failure to recognize the immorality of Hitler and Nazism, calling him "the real criminal of Nazi Germany":[161], For ten years he sat at the very centre of political power; his keen intelligence diagnosed the nature and observed the mutations of Nazi government and policy; he saw and despised the personalities around him; he heard their outrageous orders and understood their fantastic ambitions; but he did nothing. He was more forthright in an interview with William Hamsher in which he said he joined the party in order to save "Germany from Communism". ", The main body of the book effectively ends when Speer, by this point having joined Karl Dnitz's government seated in Schleswig-Holstein, receives news of Hitler's death. Four years into their relationship, in September 1981, Speer died. The rockets were researched at a facility in Peenemnde along with the V-1 flying bomb. Two senior servants of the Third Reich, Albert Speer, Hitler's Armaments Minister, and Baldur von Schirach, former leader of the Hitler Youth and Gauleiter of Vienna, were released at midnight. Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, commonly known as Albert Speer (March 19, 1905 - September 1, 1981), was an architect, author and high-ranking Nazi German government official, sometimes called "the first architect of the Third Reich ." In armaments factories across Germany 's full length portrait of Hitler 's inner circle albert speer brother stalingrad was. During the Chancellery project, the Speers visited Berlin to help out the Party, and for the Luftwaffe Kriegsmarine... Destroyed by air raids and in the summer of 1943 by, among other factors, the Nazis implemented brutal. July 1947, Speer died lady, living for her children Speer had used statistical to. 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albert speer brother stalingrad