This NOFO supports the leadership of the White House Gender Policy Council; the National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality; the direction of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally; and the Root Causes Strategy (Pillar V: Combatting sexual, gender-based, and domestic violence). DRL supports projects designed through an evidence-based framework that empower local civil society partners to promote and defend democracy globally, including efforts to counter authoritarianism, promote human rights, and meaningfully address diversity, equity, and inclusion as a core element of good governance. In times when blaming and shaming the victim is prevalent, we must realise that it is NOT the fault of the victim. The notice of Federal award signed by the Departments warranted Grants Officers is the sole authorizing document. It leads to derailment of both, physical and mental health of the victim. Failure to submit information when requested, or failure to pass vetting, may be grounds for rejecting your proposal prior to award. Validation of an electronic submission via can take up to two business days. Gender-based violence both reflects and reinforces inequities between men and women and compromises the health, dignity, security and autonomy of its victims. Any non-competitive continuation is contingent on performance and pending availability of funds. DRL typically focuses its work in countries facing human rights violations and abuses, where democracy and human rights defenders are under pressure, and where governance infrastructure is undemocratic, in transition, or at risk of backsliding. . Why do we talk about GBV? It is largely rooted in individual attitudes that condone violence within the family, the community, and the State. Should One Strive for Womens Equality or Equity? Speak up whenever you see inequality or if you hear people saying negative things about someone because of their gender. ecofeminism, domestic violence, elder care, etc . Applicants who do not submit applications via SAMS Domestic may submit via Assess the needs 2. Closing date for applications: 13 March 2023 Activity 1: Gender-Based Violence: Definitions 1. Both systems require registration by the applying organization. If any document is provided in both English and a foreign language, the English language version is the controlling version; All pages are numbered, including budgets and attachments; All documents are formatted to 8 x 11 paper; and. if you have not received a response within 48 hours of contacting the help desk), you may contact the DRL point of contact listed in the NOFO in Section G. The point of contact may assist in contacting the appropriate help desk. This must be reiterated to the you because blaming yourself is often followed by self-harm. Organizations based outside of the United States and that DO NOT plan to do business with the DoD should follow the below instructions: Step 1: Proceed to to obtain a UEI and complete the registration process. : no Application Submissions Guideline: In order to apply for this vacancy you need to complete the template on the following link: For additional information, please refer to the following link: I have the training and skills to counsel individuals with gender-identity issues and to help them learn how to cope with the many issues they must deal with every day. Total Funding Ceiling: $2,000,000 Gender-based violence is enacted under many different manifestations, from its most widespread form, intimate partner violence, to acts of violence carried out in online spaces. Information is included on the website to help international registrations, including Quick Start Guide for International Registrations and Helpful Hints. Navigate to, click HELP in the top navigation bar, then click Explore and New to for general information. Economic and Social Council. AQM will determine technical eligibility for all applications. as separate attachments; Description of how the recipient is pursuing sustainability, including looking for sources of follow-on funding; Any problems/challenges in implementing the project and a corrective action plan with an updated timeline of activities; Reasons why established goals were not met; Data for the required F and/or DRL framework indicator(s) for the quarter as well as aggregate data by fiscal year; Program Indicators or other mutually agreed upon format approved by the Grants Officer; Proposed activities for the next quarter; and. Applications are due no later than 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST), on April 12, 2023 on or SAMS Domestic ( under the announcement title DRL Inclusive Approaches to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Northern Central America, funding opportunity number SFOP0009396.. It focuses on study, prevention and support for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, human trafficking and other forms of . In cases of more than one FADR Data Element, typically program or sector and/or regions or country, the successful applicant will be required to maintain separate accounting records. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, This is the announcement of funding opportunity number SFOP0009396, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 19.345 For an application checklist and sample templates please see the Resources page on DRLs website: Customer support is available 24/7. All application submissions must be made electronically via or SAMS Domestic ( Profit is defined as any amount in excess of allowable direct and indirect costs. Or, email for any problems in applying for an NCAGE code. Late applications are neither reviewed nor considered. Forms of violence. The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that support the policy objective to advance the U.S. Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) by promoting gender equality and addressing gender-based, including sexual and domestic violence in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. increases the risk of social isolation; community and family ostracism can place victims . Note: If ultimately provided with a notification of non-binding intent to make a federal award, applicants typically have two to three weeks to provide additional information and documents requested in the notification of intent. Applications: Program beneficiaries subject to due diligence vetting will include any individuals or entities that are beneficiaries of foreign assistance funding or support. The program objectives are: 1) women and girls from marginalized communities in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras are knowledgeable about their rights and safely engage with community leaders and reporting mechanisms to prevent and respond to gender-based violence, harassment, and abuse; and 2) networks and capacity of local civil society organizations and collectives that represent and support vulnerable women can advocate together, exchange knowledge and promising practices with one another to better support survivors of GBV and the rights and safety of girls and women and 3) marginalized women from all communities, including women with disabilities, indigenous, Afro-Caribbean, rural, LBTQI+, returnees, and young women are engaged in accessing justice and do so. Make effective use of media outlets and the social media. The Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence is an interdisciplinary, feminist, intersectional collaborative that integrates scholarship with community activism. The court system continues to be biased against survivors and gender-based violence remains a global issue. When you finish customizing, save your design and download it. Therefore, each initial application should contain the applicants best terms from a cost and technical standpoint. Women and children, who are often most vulnerable to human rights abuses, are also the ones who suffer most from sexual and gender-based violence. This fear dangling at the back of the minds of women is potentially harmful. The Contact Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except federal holidays. If chosen for an award, applicants will be asked to submit information required by DS Form 4184, Risk Analysis Information (attached to this solicitation) about their company and its principal personnel. It encompasses a wide range of human rights violations, including sexual abuse of children, rape, domestic violence, sexual assault and harassment, trafficking of women and girls and . . Section 2G of the PSI for more information. Technical Specialist - Gender-Based Violence (GBV) We are seeking candidates with an interest and background in preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV) for a Technical Specialist post to join our expanding GBV . Join us in this amazing conversation! Gender-based violence and harassment is specifically highlighted, and the approach also takes into account third parties (e.g. Section 7043(a)(3) provides that such funds may not be made available to any organization or entity controlled by the armed forces of Burma, or to any individual or organization that advocates violence against ethnic or religious groups or individuals in Burma, as determined by the Secretary of State. In addition, funds cannot be made available to any individual or organization that has committed serious human rights abuse. Fight. I also have the training to recommend the proper treatment for sexual disorders and other health issues based on the individual patient. DRL encourages applications from foreign-based NGOs headquartered in the geographic regions/countries relevant to this NOFO. developing a National Action Plan to end gender-based violence responding meaningfully to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic supporting alignment with national efforts to end violence against Indigenous women and girls identifying gaps, issues and challenges at the national, regional and local levels, including in rural and remote communities Full Time deployments averaging from 3-18 months in length. Generally, construction costs are not allowed under DRL awards. Projects should be led by, or have strong support from, and participation by, organizations and communities that represent vulnerable women in Northern Central America. "Self respect by definition is a confidence and pride in knowing that your behaviour is both honorable and dignified. Competitive proposals may also include a summary budget and budget narrative for 12 additional months following the proposed period of performance, indicated above. Its good to be invited to the discussion in your interest areas as #genderequity #SDG4 #. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the shadow pandemic of gender-based violence (GBV) with increases in reports of GBV and calls to helplines2. It also includes the threat of violence, coercion and deprivation of liberty, whether in . Ensure sufficient resources 4. In accordance with Department of State policy for terrorism, applicants are advised that successful passing of vetting to evaluate the risk that funds may benefit terrorists or their supporters is a condition of award. Among these, pursuant to section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (FAA), no assistance provided through this funding opportunity may be furnished to any unit of the security forces of a foreign country when there is credible information that such unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. DRL has the mission of promoting democracy and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms globally. Where relevant, progress reports should include the following sections: Foreign Assistance Data Review: As required by Congress, the Department of State must make progress in its efforts to improve tracking and reporting of foreign assistance data through the Foreign Assistance Data Review (FADR). OPDAT also works closely with GBV-focused counterparts in the Salvadoran Special Court . In these instances, federal awarding agencies must require the recipient to obtain a UEI and complete registration within 30 days of the federal award date. Gender-based violence: influences health, social and economic conditions of victims/survivors. Type of Solicitation: Open Competition U.S. foreign assistance for Burma or Burmese beneficiaries is subject to restrictions. Gender-based violence is clearly linked to gender . Opportunities for beneficiaries to apply their new knowledge and skills in practical efforts; Solicitation of feedback and suggestions from beneficiaries when developing activities in order to strengthen the sustainability of programs and participant ownership of project outcomes; Input from participants on sustainability plans and systematic review of the plans throughout the life of the project, with adjustments made as necessary; Joint identification and definition of key concepts with relevant stakeholders and stakeholder input into project activities; Systematic follow up with beneficiaries at specific intervals after the completion of activities to track how beneficiaries are retaining new knowledge as well as applying their new skills. I look forward to talking to you and thank you for your time. DRL review panels may provide conditions and recommendations on applications to enhance the proposed project, which must be addressed by the applicant before further consideration of the award. National Gender/Gender-Based Violence Expert - Guatemala. Considering the increase in the number of reported rapes, molestations, eve-teasing incidences, harassment at work places this is hardly surprising. I am an excellent communicator and listener with a knack for making people feel at ease. These different forms are not mutually exclusive and multiple incidences of violence can be happening at once and reinforcing each other. Final approval is also contingent on Congressional Notification requirements being met and final review and approval by the Departments warranted Grants Officer. Support GBV officer in assessments to identify . The World Health Organization is defining hostility as "the international using of physical of power or force, actual or threatened, against another individual, against a society or group, or against oneself, which has a high chance of resulting in death, injury, deprivation, maldevelopment, or mental trauma", although the class is acknowledging that . If more applications are recommended for approval than DRL can ultimately fund, the review panel will rank the recommended applications in priority order for consideration by the DRL Assistant Secretary. Sexual and gender-based violence is a violation of human rights. If a cooperative agreement is awarded, DRL will undertake reasonable and programmatically necessary substantial involvement. Sustainable Development Goal #5 charges nation-states to "achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls."[1] One element requiring attention is gender-based violence, which continues to be a serious threat in the US, impacting many women and girls.While most often referring to violence in the context of sexual assault, domestic and intimate partner violence, and human trafficking . Outcomes can include but are not limited to: All programs should aim to have impact that leads to reforms and have the potential for sustainability beyond DRL resources. clients, customers, service providers and patients) because they can be victims as well as perpetrators. All rights reserved. Dont give in to injustice because thats where the oppressors get their power. Due to the determination made under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) for funds obligated during FY 2023, assistance that benefits the governments of the following countries may be subject to a restriction under the TVPA. Never compromise. What is necessary is more awareness, discussions and making sure that victims get the required help and speedy justice. I always strive to be a better Gryffindor- where dwell the brave at heart. Active participation or collaboration with the recipient in the implementation of the award; Review and approval of one stage of work before another can begin; Review and approval of substantive provisions of proposed sub-awards or contracts beyond existing Federal policy; Approval of the recipients budget or plan of work prior to the award. The Departments Standard Terms and Conditions can be viewed at Please note that establishing an account in SAMS Domestic may require the use of smartphone for multi-factor authentication (MFA). Whether you're seeking an entry-level position or have been in your career for a few years, exposing your relevant achievements in your cover letter can allow you to stand out and get that job interview. The DRL review panel will evaluate each application individually against the following criteria, listed below in order of importance, and not against competing applications. LEAF argued before the Supreme Court that women who should be entitled to raise the . Please refer to the website for definitions of various application statuses and the difference between a submission receipt and a submission validation. Gender based violence refers to the violence that is experienced in the course of cross gender interactions. In many cultures, violence towards girls and young women is accepted as a social norm. Check out the record, RT @90Reeti: @TheSafecityApp #WomensHistoryMonth, RT @90Reeti: Pertinent discussions on advancement of women empowerment through #socialmedia, RT @90Reeti: Looking forward to be a part of this. This does not exclude from consideration projects that improve upon or expand existing successful projects in a new and complementary way. DRL encourages organizations to submit applications during normal business hours (Monday Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST)). For NCAGE help from within the United States, call +1 (888) 227-2423. One, care of the victim, and two, making sure the perpetrator is held accountable appropriately. Applicants should be aware that DRL understands that some information contained in applications may be considered sensitive or proprietary and will make appropriate efforts to protect such information. Note: is not the same as SAMS Domestic. But that shouldnt be a deterrent; garner as much support as is needed to get it done. Gender-based violence (GBV) by definition. Domestic Violence Advocate Cover Letter Example Want to use this letter? Please see 2 CFR 200.307 for regulations regarding program income. In accordance with the Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Underserved Communities, programs should implement strategies for integration and inclusion of individuals/organizations/beneficiaries that can bring perspectives based on their religion, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, national origin, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, pregnancy, political affiliation, or veterans status. Please email your CV with an example of written work and a cover letter, outlining why you are interested in the . To give justice sector actors the tools they need to respond to reports of gender-based violence in El Salvador, OPDAT works to incorporate a gender perspective in the decision-making process for judges, prosecutors, police, psychologists, and social workers. network creation, interconnections and cross-country exchanges between organizations working with and led by marginalized women; clear, direct referral pathways to services that are tailored to the needs of women and girls who are also members of other marginalized populations or vulnerable groups; formal and informal civil society organizations are enabled to better advocate for womens rights,increase their organizational capacity, and are more engaged in collective action and advocacy; women and girls understand their rights, and laws and policies to protect their rights are carried out consistently and equitably. In most cases, it includes physical, sexual, mental or economic harm inflicted on a person because of their gender. I am familiar with the unusual expressions and personalities often associated with individuals suffering from identity problems. D.2.3 Additional Information Requested For Those Receiving Notification of Intent. Note: The process of obtaining or renewing a registration may take anywhere from 4-8 weeks. If you prefer your poster on domestic violence to look more creative, add some graphic elements such as icons, illustrations, or stickers. An open letter to a victim of Gender Based Violence. The deadlines may vary in each notification of intent and applicants must adhere to the stated deadline in the notification of intent. Reports to: Gender Based Violence Manager. Accounts must be logged into to every 60 days in order to maintain an active account. Violence against women is understood as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women and shall mean all acts . At this point, two things are of utmost importance. In some cases, additional panelists may participate, including from other Department of State bureaus or offices; U.S. government departments, agencies, or boards; representatives from partner governments; or representatives from entities that are in a public-private partnership with DRL. South African women have taken to Twitter to share personal stories of the violence and sexual assault they have experienced, and how the country's pervasive gender-based violence (GBV) has affected their daily life. What is the feeling of safety? Note: As of December 2022, organizations based outside of the United States that do not intend to apply for U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) awards are no longer required to have a NATO CAGE (NCAGE) code to apply for non-DoD foreign assistance funding opportunities. Thats where they feel they can get away with what theyve done. Any applicant listed on the Excluded Parties List System in the System for Award Management ( ( and/or has a current debt to the U.S. government is not eligible to apply for an assistance award in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR,1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR,1989 Comp., p. 235), Debarment and Suspension. Additionally, no entity or person listed on the Excluded Parties List System in can participate in any activities under an award. Solicitar nete o inicia sesin para encontrar tu siguiente empleo. Partner violence during pregnancy is widespread and has significant consequences for maternal health. Applicants are required to document that the application has been received by SAMS Domestic or in its entirety. The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for proposals that enhance efforts to combat gender-based violence (GBV) in Libya. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements at the time of application, the applicant may be deemed technically ineligible to receive an award and use that determination as a basis for making an award to another applicant. Applicants can find application forms, kits, or other materials needed to apply on and SAMS Domestic ( under the announcement title DRL Inclusive Approaches to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Northern Central America, funding opportunity number SFOP0009396. Please contact the DRL point of contact listed in Section G if requesting reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities or for security reasons. Demonstrated knowledge of GBV Guiding Principles, survivor-centred approach, latest evidence, research, global guidelines and good practices on prevention and response to gender-based violence, across the humanitarian and development continuum. registration must be renewed annually. Your rehabilitation into the society is equally important, now. DRL requires all programs to be non-discriminatory and expects implementers to include strategies for nondiscrimination of individuals/organizations/beneficiaries based on race, color, religion, sex,gender identity,gender expression, sex characteristics,sexual orientation,pregnancy, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or veterans status. For additional information, please see the DRL Proposal Submission Instructions (PSI) for Applications: All documents are single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. The U.S. government may: (a) reject any or all applications, (b) accept other than the lowest cost application, (c) accept more than one application, and (d) waive irregularities in applications received. Lastly, dont be afraid. In most cases, it affects women and girls. The Leahy Law prohibits Department foreign assistance funds from supporting foreign security force units if the Secretary of State has credible information that the unit has committed a gross violation of human rights. DRLs goals of this program are : 1) that local organizations build their network and ability to respond to GBV; 2) to ensure that women and girls in all their diversity, are safe from violence; 3) which will enable them to advocate and organize on their own behalf, for equal rights, to remove barriers to services,to improve access to survivor-centered justice, and to safely participate in all aspects of public life. Please note: Delays in reporting may result in delays of payment approvals and failure to provide required reports may jeopardize the recipients ability to receive future U.S. government funds. 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gender based violence cover letter